Discussion: should you be allowed to mug people who walk into bank during a robbery

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This discussion is regarding a common issue during bank robberies. People walking into bank for stupid reasons.

The reason I’ve been told you can’t “publicly mug” people is because it’s an incredible risk to your life and freedom as other people might see it and call cops.

However, would that really matter if you’re robbing a bank to begin with? You’re already warranted and at point, you’re going to be receiving the max sentence for armed robbery and possibly murder.

If all the cops are dead, or they’re all far away, and some idiot walks into the bank, you should be allowed to mug them imo.

”But then you would be committing a crime in front of NPCs”
Ok, but you’re robbing a bank already. At that point, anyone stupid enough to walk into the bank with dead cops all around you, and an alarm blaring, should pay the price. On PERP, a 5 minute black screen with no other losses or punishment isnt enough for some people.

”It’d be too risky as a cop could shoot you as you are mugging them”
Play smart and wait til all cops who are a direct threat to you are dead then I guess?

Also, having zip tied civilians everywhere will give cops a reason to not shoot everyone on sight, resulting in them having to particularly check their targets before firing, which will help you in the long run. The premise of just having “hostages” in a bank robbery in general however is a discussion for another post I’ll make later.

Whats your opinion on the subject?​
you are robbing a bank for hundreds of thousands of dollars and you stop in the middle of a shootout to mug someone who broke 3.4 Literally just let staff deal with it.
Not hard to pull someone aside and mug them after though
I don’t think you should be able to mug there but certainly shoot them. There’s more than enough warning for them not to walk in.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You're robbing a bank for a few hundred thousands, why would you halt your getaway so you can mug a sweater for 23 dollars, 3 burgers and a phone?
They shouldn’t be in the bank anyways as that’s breaking 3.4 and therefore why would it he allowed to mug someone that isn’t allowed there in the first place? In a perfect world, no one would enter the property, but people do and are dealt with
Sometimes a 5 minute black screen isn't enough for some people though.
I have walked into a bank robbery a couple of times when there was only 3 cops on, and there was no actual indication that it was actually happening. No, you shouldnt take them hostage, you should just fire a warning shot at them and thats that.
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