Server Suggestion Display death location under NLR timer

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Suggestion Title: Display death location under NLR timer
Suggestion Description: Since NLR timer for police got increased to 10 minutes I sometimes happen to forget where my current NLR area is, especially after dying few times in one hour. While it's nothing major and happens mostly at the end of the timer, so usually situation already finished, It's something that could easly be avoided, and perhaps showing the location could reduce number of NLR breakages among officers.

Why should this be added?:
+ Reduces likelihood of people accidentally breaking NLR
+ Should be fairly simple to implement

What negatives could this have?:
- Slightly clutter the screen

Useful Images: N/A
Or only show it when pressing Q?
This sounds like a perfect solution to me, removes the problem of cluttering the screen as Q screen is already cluttered and this change wouldn't affect it much

Maybe a unit counter appears when you only get so close to the zone?
I'd opt for both, something like Slums apartments (3456)
This sounds like a perfect solution to me, removes the problem of cluttering the screen as Q screen is already cluttered and this change wouldn't affect it much

I'd opt for both, something like Slums apartments (3456)
Yeah definitely either distance only or the name and number. It really helps because if I have to go near the location but not at it I have no idea what the border is so I go in and out of it alot by accident.
I was thinking of it saying where you died like the panic button so when you press Q it says where you died with time for example 7:44 Slums 1 right?
If added please add it underneath the NLR timer, maybe a smaller lettersize. But dont place it in Q, the entire suggestion is so it stands out and you know not to go there. If you drive a car or if you're just vibing you will not look at Q menu either and will still miss it, making it less helpfull.