Dispute for John Daymon's Demotion

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Dear @Bolli,

I am writing to you as the Vault of Memes Founder that Johnathan Daymon has demonstrated excellent qualities that a Senior Administrator would have. I am afraid to tell you that I am disgusted to hear about the recent news of his demotion. I wholeheartedly request for the reversal of such actions based on my experiences with Daymon which include;
  • John Daymon has helped so many new players to the game such as Hary Lawn, James Blond, Demon Raveoli, Jock Bango, Jim Cyber, Frederick Husky and last but not least, Matt Scott.
  • Daymon knows the rules better than every other administrator from my experience.
  • He knows when it is appropriate to meme about and when it is too much and then he tells people off.
  • He always tells the truth and even though he is a VoM official he said he would ban us if we even thought about metagaming or breaking the rules meaning there is no bias.
Thank you for reading

Kind regards
Tyla Jai, Vault of Memes Founder


Kind regards
Tyla Jai, Vault of Memes Founder

I was just a sweatervest when Daymon picked me up and told me not to run across the highway and he gave me money.



was going to com3 to our m33tup in corn wall or d3von but his mum didn't allow him to go. gr3at guy +r3p
Hello Tyla,

Thank you for making this dispute. The administration team has discussed this and come to a unanimous conclusion. Here is our following response:

Kind regards,
+support, clearly the staff team has NO jurisdiction here in the matter. this should be decided by the COMMUNITY NOT THE STAFF TEAMS!
yeah so my thread got deleted

+support bolli is deleting my threads for my support for John Dagman!!
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