Dissolvable Bodies

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea: Be able to dissolve dead bodies in sulphuric acid and a bath tub. Would work like a medic with a ambulance, put body into the tub, click the sulphuric acid into it and it starts bubbling, then the body disappears.

Why should this be added? (pros): New way of getting rid of evidence in your own home, or in a raid after the raid just take the bodies and dissolve them. This will bring a different role play and more use to the bathtub. People may prefer to molotov the bodies but this will make it so all the evidence is gone!

What negatives could this have? (cons): Coding it?

*Other additions: N/A

Why would this be needed when bodies disappear in like 15 mins already
I like the idea but isn't it a bit excessive? All this coding for a function that only gets used by active raiders and powergrowers that are caught by cops.
I don't see the need for this at all, too excessive for a server like this where bodies dissapear in 15 minutes anyways like Benji said.
I generally like the idea, but I think it would need to be balanced out. Perhaps the time for bodies to disappear would need to be raised to 30-45 minutes. I'd also like the bodies to not dissolve instantly, but rather gradually with different stages of visible decay.

First, they would dissolve into this stage, with some aspect of the evidence on the body disappearing.

Then the body would perhaps dissolve and decay more, with more evidence being removed and unable to be scanned for.

Lastly, the body would lose all of its features and its evidence, with only a skeleton remaining for a short while before the body disappears completely.

All of these models are in Half-Life 2 already btw, so we could totally use them. The only difficulty here would be again... Coding and balancing.
when they placed the acid in the bathtub it melted the floor 4head
Why would this be remotely helpful for the server though? Decaying bodies, yes, something the dev team should put time into implementing.

I rate this suggestion 1/5.
@BigBenji Why? Well let’s see here...
- More depth to criminal roleplay
- the ability for someone else than a medic to get rid of a body
- Prevent the cops from finding any evidence after a raid or a counter raid
- Looks wicked

I rate your comment, rating my suggestion 0.5/100
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Rather than making it a bathtub thing, why not just let us "Apply" Any of the meth acid additives to the body to remove the DNA? Acids are quite expensive as is and tbh it'd be miles easier than dropping a bath tub on a crime scene to do it.
Could work. However, I think the idea is that you would actually transport the bodies to the bathtub, not the bathtub to the bodies... It makes more sense that way. Perhaps the bathtub could work as a chemical table or a crafting station and could be only placed on certain places around a property?
I’d fucking hate that. The bath tub is a fun prop to build with. No ones gunna want to waste a chem table or bench slot for a bath tub