EMS NPC Quests

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Main idea:
Adding NPC Incidents for EMS to respond to.

Currently couriers have shop deliveries and Fire Fighters have random fires. The EMS job isn't as fulfilling as it used to be when compared to "the better days", and I feel as though it can be made a better experience by offering "NPC Quests" for EMS.

An emergency call will come in from a shop or other "public" facility operated by NPC's and it will say the following:

"I'm a worker at *Location* and we have a medical emergency here!"

Upon arriving on scene, an NPC will be lying on the floor in the classic "Injured rebel" position from half life 2. Interacting with the NPC will bring up some of the following Dialogue options depending on the severity of the emergency.

Mild: The NPC Will tell you there symptoms and a probable cause of the incident. For example, if the medical emergency is a mild heart attack, the NPC will say "My chest is killing me, I think its a heart attack!"
Moderate: The Dialogue menu will say "The victim is lying on the floor in pain, yelling for help"
Severe: The dialogue menu will say "The victim is completely unresponsive"

Some incidents will require you to drive the patient to hospital after giving first aid, by selecting the "Get them inside the ambulance" option, which will always be available after first aid treatment has been given, however, if you use this in situations where it wont be necessary, the NPC will refuse to get into the ambulance, saying "Treat me and I'll take myself there!". However, if its severe, such as a heart attack, serious injury, or other life threatening symptom, then the patient, upon giving first aid, will be able to be loaded into your ambulance. . Once you select the option to get them inside your ambulance, the NPC will disappear from there location, and you must get them to the hospital and interact with the "emergency" NPC located near the side parking. In severe incidents there will be a timer, the timer will be longer however if you're using the full size ambulance. Other situations however, you have plenty of time to get them to the hospital.
Types of medical emergencies depending on Locations:

General Incidents that can happen in any of the set locations:
Heart attack:
Course of action to take via dialogue:
Assess the victim > Lay the victim on there back > Defibrillation > Check breathing > Defibrillate again > Take to hospital.

This one should typically happen in alleyways I think, but could happen anywhere.
Course of action to take:
Assess the victim > Give CPR > Apply a shot of Narcan > Sit the patient in recovery position > take them to the hospital
More incidents can be conceived, I just cant be arsed to sit and google how to treat actual medical emergencies.
Gun store:
Example incident:
A Worker falls off a ladder and hits his head on a shop display
Correct course of action to take in dialogue:
Assess the injury > Sit the victim up > Talk to them to get a response > Sterilise the head wound > Apply a bandage

Second Example incident:
A worker accidentally shoots himself in the leg whilst performing "maintenance" on a firearm in the shooting range, and stumbles to the store front and collapses.
Correct course of action to take in Dialogue:
Assess the injury > Apply Tourniquet > Remove the round from the wound > Sterilise around the wound > Apply bandages > drive them to hospital.

Fredy's bakeries:
Example incident 1:
Someone is choking on food severely, and they've passed out.
Correct course of action to take through dialogue:
> Give back blows. If fails, > Give CPR > Give more back blows. If fails > Do Heimlich Maneuver. If fails > Give CPR again. Repeat the 2 til it works.

Example incident 2:
A customer is having an anaphylactic shock (result of severe food allergies) and requires urgent medical treatment.
Course of action through dialogue:
> Assess the victim > Give them an adrenaline shot > Give CPR > Drive them to hospital.

Other location specific injuries with varying levels of severity can be added to this. The reward should typically vary from $500 to 2k for more major incidents. These should happen at random every 10 minutes, or every 5 minutes for when there's 3+ medics.

Pub docks and Hungriges Casino:
A patient has drank too much and has collapsed, Giving him acute alcohol poisoning.
Course of action:
Lay the patient on there side so they don't choke on there own vomit > wrap them up warm with a towel > Assess them for further injuries > Drive them to hospital.
Why this should be added:
- Gives a more fulfilling gameplay experience as opposed to just being medic and reviving people shot by cops
- Allows medics to make money even during dead hours
- Encourages roleplay through forcing someone to act realistically in situations

- More for Emergency medical services to do
- Can actually educate people on how to give first aid to people in IRL incidents
- More immersive experience
- Medics won't necessarily be bored doing shit like medkitting people who jumped off something for fun or got crippled in a shootout and just got out of jail.

- Actual players not being revived because a medic is stuck on what to do with an NPC. I suggest the Job NPC for paramedics having dialogue with instructions on what to do, or having a "Book" in the medic inventory Similar to the cook book and book of law but instead giving you quick guides on medical emergencies.
- Bit complicated innit.​
We will in the future release changes to the medic job, but this will probably not be a part of it.
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