Server Suggestion DNA Scanner Change


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Description of the idea: Change the way the DNA scanner works at range. This was a thought I had whilst driving around on the server. Not many civilians use guns at long ranges because there is little to no benefit as DNA will always show. Therefore rather than DNA always garunteed to show on bodies it should change the likihoodness of DNA showing up dependant of the range that the person was killed at.

In summary, if someone was shot from really far away the DNA should have a tiny chance of being left behind on the body. (Maybe replace the name with just the gun and how far away it was shot from)

And if someone is shot up close the liklihood of the DNA showing is almost 100%.

Obviously the range of this would have to be balanced and would probably take a bit of trial and error but if it works it could encourage more longer range shootouts rather than just raids.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • It could encourage more long range firefights, the mayor maybe assisinated more with a sniper?
  • Maybe makes hitman roleplay more worth it? - This could be a good thing or a bad thing tbh as the rules around this are a bit weird
  • Gives criminals a way of getting away with a kill without having to gun down the entire PD 82 times over.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • It will be harder to for cops who dont have much knowledge to track down shooters
  • It will be OP to shoot from further distances meaning that gun fights could end up being a bit aids.

Thank you for reading my suggestion and if you have any ideas or critisim please let me know :)
I do like this idea, and it would add some sort of realism, However, I feel as though this might be somewhat difficult to implement.

However, I'm not a wizkid at LUA so, hey what do I know about it. If this is possible, perhaps have any DNA retrieved where the shooter was at a long distance could take longer to retrieve?
I do like this idea, and it would add some sort of realism, However, I feel as though this might be somewhat difficult to implement.

However, I'm not a wizkid at LUA so, hey what do I know about it. If this is possible, perhaps have any DNA retrieved where the shooter was at a long distance could take longer to retrieve?
Realistically the further away you are from someone the fewer points of contact, forensics rely on things making contact with other things, the transfer of small items, the further you are from what you kill the less transfer meaning it would be almost impossible to be caught from DNA. Yes if you have a smart cop who looks for bullet holes or uses the range given you can probably work out where it came from.

The whole point of this is to give people a way of getting away with stuff without gunning down the entire PD 82 times over. Making the name show up slower doesn't help do that whatsoever
Realistically the further away you are from someone the fewer points of contact, forensics rely on things making contact with other things, the transfer of small items, the further you are from what you kill the less transfer meaning it would be almost impossible to be caught from DNA. Yes if you have a smart cop who looks for bullet holes or uses the range given you can probably work out where it came from.

The whole point of this is to give people a way of getting away with stuff without gunning down the entire PD 82 times over. Making the name show up slower doesn't help do that whatsoever
What I meant by this is, A Far distance, I.E just outside of render distance (however far that is) would show 0 DNA, a Medium distance would show some DNA, E.G First name or a Broken up name, CQB Would show as per normal.
Given that officers are already in a massive disadvantage, officers would stand no chance against gunmen which wield a Rifle with a scope on other side of the skybox. Especially with a little pistol. Unless we can take the whole DNA thing to a VERY advanced system which is impossible because.... Garry's Mod, I see no chance of this getting in. Cops will get killed more than ever because people will just constantly kill each other from long distances and cops can't do fuck all about it. Unless we can find the location of the shooter, take the brass in for evidence and build a whole case from the casing's markings and the recovered bullet from the body. This way markings/rifling on the bullet could be categorized in a system and when another shoot out happens and matches the same markings of the bullet and brass, we can build a timeline and one day or another the shooter is going to slip up and leave some evidence to jail him. Of course this is real world stuff and no way can be implemented in a game like Garry's Mod especially where people in perpheads die every 10 mins. Maybe if there is other ways of catching a shooter other than a fancy tool gun which magically shows your name when you kill someone. (Actual ballistics and evidence.- too difficult to implement) Maybe that way we can see this but at this current stage? nope
Unless we can find the location of the shooter, take the brass in for evidence and build a whole case from the casing's markings and the recovered bullet from the body. This way markings/rifling on the bullet could be categorized in a system and when another shoot out happens and matches the same markings of the bullet and brass, we can build a timeline and one day or another the shooter is going to slip up and leave some evidence to jail him.

Im sorry but this makes no sense. Never did i say this anywhere in my suggestion nor would this be an issue at all. You would be told the gun and range of the person who shot and even like Double J said maybe just a first or last name. The whole point is to encourage people to be sneakier but also allow people to get away with killing people more often because right now you are garunteed DNA on someone whether you walk up to their face and shoot them or plan a complicated long range situation. It makes no difference and there should be a difference.
Im sorry but this makes no sense. Never did i say this anywhere in my suggestion nor would this be an issue at all. You would be told the gun and range of the person who shot and even like Double J said maybe just a first or last name. The whole point is to encourage people to be sneakier but also allow people to get away with killing people more often because right now you are garunteed DNA on someone whether you walk up to their face and shoot them or plan a complicated long range situation. It makes no difference and there should be a difference.
How is the gun and range going to find you your killer? Sure you might get the first name but realistically, if you were to live in a city and get the name "Jimmy" how many jimmies are there? And imagine going through all of their inventory/storage to Maybe find the gun. It's unrealistic and I thought the aim of the server was to be realistic? And as I said "people being sneakier" that will literally make everyone just go buy a rifle with a scope, stand exactly close to the skybox and just shoot people. Cops will be left there with the range and the gun used and a first name. That literally doesn't help at all
Realistically the DNA scanner only really exists in perp because we don't have the in-game mechanics of checking nearby CCTV, having witness statements, checking the logs of license plates that were in that area that day, etc.

Considering the new rule changes, i doubt someone gunning over the pd over 'i had dna!!!' is not as much of an issue anymore. Wouldn't mind a delay, but the DNA scanner is the only thing we have. If it only shows half a name the memery with shitty names will just increase and we have no legal foot to stand on if we were to charge somebody.

if you wish to encourage the usage of sniper rifles, dont make them take half an hour to equip and store. its practically not encouraged at all considering the price and render distance in this map
I suggested awhile ago that DNA Scanners success rate should depend on the distance the player was from the victim once they had killed them. The DNA tool serves as an investigation tool to replace a full on investigation involving checking CCTV and getting witness statements and as such should function by the factors stated by OP as opposed to being a pot luck function.

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