Doing a giveaway for fun :)

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Hello, I will be giving away 2x premium for 30 days and also 200k total (2x 100k).

I am running two giveaways, one for new players only (under 1 week playtime) and one for everyone. If you have under 1 week playtime you can sign up to both! We will obviously check the playtime of people signing up to the new player giveaway, no cheating. If you do sign up to the new player giveaway with more than a week playtime you will be disqualified from both giveaways.

Both giveaways have 1x premium and 1x 100k. Winners will be chosen through a random number generator. Double numbers is ofcourse not possible and I will keep track of the numbers in this post.

If you want to enter react to this thread answering the questions below;

Which giveaway are you signing up for? (New Player/Normal/Both):
Choose a number for the giveaway you sign up for between 1-50 for the normal giveaway and 1-10 for the new player giveaway and give two numbers if you sign up for both obviously stating which number for which giveaway.

I will roll the numbers after I believe there's enough people in the giveaways, I will announce in this thread when I will do so and will screenshare it to the perpheads discord to keep it fair.

New Player Giveaway (1x 30 days premium and 1x 100k)
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 - @Coda
6 -
7 - @HanzN
8 -
9 -
10 - @Doomed-Core

Normal Giveaway (1x 30 days premium and 1x 100k)
1 - @Valentine
2 - @Doomed-Core
3 - @blackdown
4 - @Jake_
5 - @_Wxsley_
6 - @Ariyanqwq
7 - @Ultimate
8 - @Oskar
9 - @walnash
10 - @Creepis
11 - @SamSN
12 - @Maia
13 - @Belg Lmfao
14 - @Mina
15 - @Madlyn
16 - @Al Capone
17 - @Moon
18 - @avirex24
19 - @gamerdanger99
20 - @curak
21 - @Clarky
22 - @Sean
23 - @Aquaa
25 - @travis
26 - @.....
27 - @Phan
28 - @Brandify
29 - @Exnem
30 - @MiniRaze
31 - @Vinski2000
32 - @sidd
33 - @matt
34 - @Spoon
35 - @Zyw0on
36 - @Birbinabowl
37 - @Oddy
38 - @xhantium
39 - @GamingPeach
40 - @Ronnie Fisher
41 - @TylerReadman1
42 - @Google Chrome
43 - @Mallard
44 - @Bnej
45 - @BigRossKane
46 - @Victor Maxim
47 - @Boo121
48 - @Woodz
49 - @It's ANGRY MUFFIN time!!!
50 - @Ellie
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Can I apply in my name for a chance for it to be given to a random new player instead? @Lucius Husky

If yes then

(If by any chance I do win do not give me the prize and give it away at random preferably a new player)
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