Police Suggestion DON'T Remove the escalade

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Brief description of idea:

Not removing the supervisor escalade in favour of a reskinned dodge charger patrol vehicle.

Decided here, the escalade is apparently being replaced by a dodge charger. Here is why that is a terrible idea:
- The escalade is practical, it has a large number of seats that can be used for prisoner transport, Planned raids, etc.
- The escalade has great storage meaning multiple spare items can be stored in the trunk. It can be used as an "incident vehicle" to transport much needed supplies to the scene of a shootout.
- The Escalade provides cover and can effectively block off a large portion of a road in the event of a pursuit where a road block would be needed.
- If I wanted to use a dodge Charger as a supervisor I have already had the ability to do so since I got senior officer. Whats even the point?
- You can patrol with about 2 other officers and STILL Have room for prisoner transport. As a supervisor, but also as a genuine human being, I don't enjoy screaming down a microphone in government radio to get prisoner transport done. With the escalade, I've patrolled with 3 other officers and still had room for prisoner transport, so Having no more room in the car is never an issue.
What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Literally 0 development work as it already exists
- If its not broken don't fix it
- Whats even the point
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
nO nEw cAr

Other additions:
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Maybe just have the Escalade as a CPL+ Car which can be used for Shootouts As a mobile re-supply thing for bandages. Something for the Pistol cops to use. Even still, maybe introduce the re-skinned 2012 For supervisors
Totally agree, escalade is a sick vehicle that the PD wanted added for a long ass time. Reskin the charger if you want but why remove an entire vehicle that has a unique function in the PD without a replacement.
I don't see why a supervisor would want a different dodge charger they've had access to since they got senior though. Even if it does go faster, who cares? I Like having the liberty of patrolling with lower ranked officers without having to scream for prisoner transport to take someone in for 2 years.
Edited the original post to mention something I forgot to mention.

So there are two reason why we have decided to remove the escalade.
1. It is rarely used as a supervisor vehicle. Supervisors usually use other vehicles.
2. It is commonly used for prisoner transport. In my opinion it would be better to have a dedicated prisoner transport van.

Of course one can make the argument that it can be used to patrol with several officers and transport prisoners. But this does not happen that often. We want to introduce new vehicles to the pd, and from what I have heard possibly new vehicles to the server. In the end of the day, we should only have vehicles that are regularly being used. We can of course revisit this topic after these changes.

The below vehicle will be reskinned and used as a transport van. We will probably allow SO+ to spawn it, not decided yet tho.


And for clarification, the only change that is being done with the dodge charger 2012 is that when a supervisor spawns it, it automatically sets the skin so it says "Supervisor".
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