Server Suggestion [DUPLICATE] Double action firing mode to revolvers.

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Suggestion Title: Double action firing mode to revolvers.
Suggestion Description: Adding a way to fire revolvers double action, making them more versatile and balanced. Easiest is probably to make something similar to firemodes as we have it right now where you press e + mouse2 to swap between different modes.

Why should this be added?:
- About half the pistols on the server are revolvers yet they see way too little use. They have their place as a pocket sniper due to their high damage and low firerate but if there was a mode where they would be able to fire slightly faster and not having to cock the hammer every time it could make them more balanced if you decide to use it for something like a close range engagement.

It would take some time to develop like anything would but it could be nice for QoL and most systems for something like this are in place.

To balance it so people use both i suggest giving the double action mode high recoil and low accuracy but with a quicker fire rate so it can be used for very close range while keeping the very high accuracy low fire rate single action for longer range engagements.

What negatives could this have?:
- Takes time to develop

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Giving players a more balanced and varied arsenal, both civilian and police.
Revolvers are actually quite commonly used within shootouts on the server, i don't see a reason to have a double action to majority of the revolvers, as most of them 2 tap to body if you actually hit your shots, even from range, in addition to this, even if it has high recoil and low accuracy, it will most likely just be spammed in close quarters, making it quite hard to out DPS(As only 2 shots will have to hit for most)i still believe that if you want a pistol that can shoot semi auto, just use the semi auto mag fed handguns that already exist on the server.
I have mixed feelings about that.
I think it would take too much effort since they have to redo the animations and stuff.

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