@Dr. Boost is a good man

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Dr. Boost is one of the only good officers out there. He actually negotiated with me and tried to get rid of all the other incompetent officers in the pd during a hostage situation. He gave me free passage and was telling all the officers to go away or the hostage will die.

Good guy <3
Sadly half of the PD have no idea what they are doing, some dont know how to use spikes, this clearly shows that the current system is flawed and needs to be tougher and have bigger requirements
Unfortunately straight after 2 very stupid officers tried playing the hero. 1 opened fire upon me, the hostage, then another decided to dump a spike strip inside parker tunnel like it wouldn't be hard to dodge that?

@Fredy @TinySlayer Damage logs when?
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@Ethan often the police are not properly communicating towards each others resulting in deaths of people and hostages. Some officers also have a tendency to escalate situations instead of de escalating them. And more, PD is a lots of department, with only 1 main department and no support. I could keep going