Dropping items upon death

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Hung Chow residence.
Topic: You will drop your inventory (or at least have it removed) upon death.

Short explanation (in notes):
- When you die, you will either drop the items on the ground as a package, or they are removed completely.
- Some items may simply have to be removed from the game, as a sofa flying out of your arse seems silly and unrealistic.
- People will actually care about dying, leading to more thought behind their actions, which will hopefully increase server realism.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I believe that this should be added as frankly, a lot of people don't give a damn about what they do with themselves, they will enter a raid guns blazing; a lot of unrealistic actions take place. I guess you could also say that less people will be less inclined to break basic laws which are strictly followed IRL for safety reasons. As well as realism, I feel that this will make people choose a passive style of playing, leading to a more interactive player base.

Optional additions:
- Heavy props/items removed
- Have more caps on specific amounts of items you can carry, I.E only 3 boxes of ammo and such.
- Add bags or other storage devices to increase how many items you can carry because of the option above.
- items that are dropped upon death in a 'package' such as the delivery man one will instead turn into raw materials or a more basic form of item.
- You can keep your items if you get revived.
- Instead of a package being dropped, the body can be searched with the use key, it will leave DNA as a possible suspect for the police to investigate (this links in with the detective job) Either that or taking the package that is dropped will automatically add DNA to the body.
- Add a rule where you cannot loot bodies in public areas to improve realism.
- Government employees should not be able to loot bodies apart form illegal items. And there should be no drop once a medic/officer examined the body
- 1-2, or 3 minute timer until items can be looted (gives enough time for the user to make a report. And no user who randomly kills someone will hang around like that.
or items cannot be looted until 1 minute after the player actually dies, not unconscious. (Also plenty of time for the user to submit a report if needed) - Shamwow

This would be a huge change if accepted, so input is required, as it's the communities (as well as the owners) choice for this to take place.
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It would make perp TOO realistic, if you understand what i mean, the bad way of making perp realistic.
Accepted - We'll probably make it so when you die you drop all of the items you picked up in the last 5ish minutes

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