Description of the idea: Give EMS and the Fire Department a ranking structure. We should give EMS a simple ranking structure. The idea is that we give the supervision of EMS and the Fire Department to a single Chief. Combined with 2 captains it will be their job to make sure these services will be improved. Just like is happening with the PD. In the hope that EMS and the Fire Departments will remain a fun and viable job to play.

By implementing this structure the departments will hopefully further develop themselves. I don’t think a very complicated structure is necessary. What I suggest we do is hold a vote on who we want as chief of the Emgency Services and work our way down. I also don’t think promotions to senior should be done with applications. But work on achievements like: Remove 100 bodies, play 20 hours as firefighter etc. Keep it simple but not to simpel.
Why should this be added? (pros): I think it is a good idea if we make a few people responsible for the development of the fire department and EMS. This way we can these rolls more popular. Improvement and new additions are keys for a working department. That's why I think that the argument: “No one plays FireFighter, giving them new cars is just a waste of time” is a bullshit argument. People are not playing these rolls because they have remained the same for years. If people can see they can progress within the department they will be motivated to play these rolls again.
What negatives could this have? (cons): A lot of work. I will let the addition of extra ranks and cars over to the Chief and Captains.

Rank overview explained:
In charge of the EMS- and Fire Department. His role is very similar to the police chief's rank.
- Chief of Emegency Services
In charge of the department they are representing. Unlike the chief they only have to focus on the improvements within their department.
- Captain
Has the same tools as the starter rank but they also gain access to a new vehicle and a better paycheck.
- Senior Medic/Fire Fighter
They can take the lead in hectic situation when they are on duty.
The same role as now.
- Medic/Fire Fighter
The diver is a specialist role within the fire department. It has no rank requirement. But very similar to the TFU you will be able to gear up in a dive suit. Onces this dive suit is on, you can breath underwater. And you will also be untargetable by piranhas in the ParaLake. This way divers can take items and bodies out of the water. So police can inspect them for further investigation or for medics to remove bodies.
- Diver (specialist role)
By implementing this structure the departments will hopefully further develop themselves. I don’t think a very complicated structure is necessary. What I suggest we do is hold a vote on who we want as chief of the Emgency Services and work our way down. I also don’t think promotions to senior should be done with applications. But work on achievements like: Remove 100 bodies, play 20 hours as firefighter etc. Keep it simple but not to simpel.
Why should this be added? (pros): I think it is a good idea if we make a few people responsible for the development of the fire department and EMS. This way we can these rolls more popular. Improvement and new additions are keys for a working department. That's why I think that the argument: “No one plays FireFighter, giving them new cars is just a waste of time” is a bullshit argument. People are not playing these rolls because they have remained the same for years. If people can see they can progress within the department they will be motivated to play these rolls again.
What negatives could this have? (cons): A lot of work. I will let the addition of extra ranks and cars over to the Chief and Captains.