The guide to proper driving

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This guide is dedicated to showing PERPHeads players on how to properly utilize roads and how to follow the most common interpretation of the law.

I am terrible at introductions, so let's just jump right in.

Parking spots
This is most likely where you are going to start your journey most of the times when using a motor vehicle. A parking spot can be anything ranging from a vertical parking lane, to a set of dedicated parking spots.

Exiting a parking spot
When exiting a parking spot, pay attention to all angles of your car, look forward, backwards, to your left, and to your right. Basically make a full circle. Then slowly start reversing out of the spot, when the middle of your car exits the spot (about where you sit) start turning your steering wheel to exit the spot.

Entering a parking spot
When entering a parking spot, pick out a spot ahead of time, this does not mean do it when you start your journey, but when you enter the parking lot. When you are about 2 to 3 spots away from your actual spot, start reducing speed and move to the left side of the road if possible (if the parking spot is on the right side of the road), if not then wait for it to be possible. Slowly approach the parking spot and indicate in the direction of your parking spot. When your side mirrors are about a half spot removed from your spot, start turning inwards and correct where needed.

City driving
This is going to be the most common driving you will do, and is also the easiest.

Regular driving
When driving like normal, pay attention to other road users, are their brake lights on? Are they indicating? Always pay attention and act accordingly.

When approaching an intersection, you will always be given at least one traffic sign that shows you what to do, if there are none: congratulations, you have right of way. When you see a stop sign come to a COMPLETE stop. When you see a yield sign, slow down to about 10 miles an hour, if needed also come to a stop.

Be sure to always slow down at an intersection, be sure that you are able to drive in second gear (about 30 to 40 Mph).

You will likely have to take a lot of turns, in order to this safely, turn on your indicators when you are about 30 meters removed from the turn. Take a good look to the direction you want to turn towards, and the opposite direction. When it's safe and legal, take your turn and turn off your indicators. To make sure you didn't run someone over like the madman you are, take a look behind you.

Don't. Seriously, overtaking in the city, subs or business is a terrible idea.

Highway driving

Regular driving
Keep at the right side of the highway, try not to swirve to much, and keep an eye on your rear-left lane, as overtakers are likely to come from there. Be sure to keep about 4 seconds distance from people in front of you.

So you have a fast enough car to overtake someone at the highway, first of all look over your left shoulder, and ensure nobody else is trying to overtake you. Turn on your left indicator and gain speed while slowly steering onto the other lane. Pass the vehicle your are seeking to pass, and when your vehicle can fit two times in the space between you and the other vehicle, turn on your right indicator and slowly steer back into the lane while maintaining your speed. It's okay to slightly slow down now... but don't make your overtaking needless by driving the same speed as the vehicle you just passed.

Red and blue, red and white, or orange and red lights are visible in the distance, what do you do? Slow down, tap your handbreak once lightly to make brake lights appear for the drivers behind you, and slowly come to a speed of about 30 miles per hour, if possible, pass the emergency vehicles, if not, come to a complete stop and just wait. You're not going to make it quicker by honking or being annoying. Always remain in your vehicle unless instructed otherwise by an emergency worker.

Don't. (Unless told otherwise by an LEO, or required by law such as at an traffic light.)
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