This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 40 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.
Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.
Some additional commentary has been added by the Deputy Chief of Department to some responses. All pieces of feedback have been reviewed and made available to the command teams.
How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
- good amount of money, many nice people, easy to get to know the city without much danger of loosing something valuable
- From what I have witnessed, the attitude towards new officers has been very good from the majority of the PLPD, especially the supervisors.
- It can be very fun at times. Assuming other players and cops dont act completely crazy
- I like patrolling with friends and teaching new players the importance of enforcing the law.
- The PD force is almost always full again as well, therefore making it a lot harder for new officers tl get on duty.
- for the new officers is going to be hard to understand the law
- There’s definitely a learning curve, new players would definitely need some assistance learning the basics to not get blacklisted their first patrol
- Divisions, such as TFU, rarely seem to open; when they do open, you need to already be committed i.e (1 week playtime, SO rank, etc).
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
- I have gotten a fair bit of recognition from supervisors while on duty for various things, which is very welcome.
- primarily due to being TFU
- Sgt/cpls siad a few things praising me in-game. And revived good ORs
- I got recognition in my ORs; that's about it
- There are a lot of Officers active at all times of the day, so it is understandable that attention can't be given out equally to everyone. However, there is a distinct lack of congratulations for achievements other than promotions, major drug busts or ORs.
- got a few good jobs
- There are time where I had been given praise from other colleagues but this doesn't happen often
- because i kept my cool during a shoot out and listen to the higher ranks and do what ive been told
- I just felt that people who are buddy buddy with supervisors are able to gain recognition compared to the average beat cop.
I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
- Divisional suspension system should be implemented.
- everything i need is in the handbook on each and every division
- i feel like there's some stuff that need to be added to certain handbooks
- Yes, in some cases, too much.
- There are plenty of documents and sites to help with this, I like all the resources that we have.
- its simple and you can understand what the guide is saying and has a wide range of different topics
- I try to look for handbook every day or so so I dont forget anything.
Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
- most the time they help me with whatever i need
- I don't really see many of them supporting anything but through arrest warrants when on-duty.
- Neutral, leaning towards +, I don't get into many situations where a Supervisor is needed so I'll just leave it at that
- I would say an officer is on there own enless they request a supervisor or theres one on scene aswell.
- Supervisors provide great assistance through ORs or, more directly, Supervisor Requests at crime scenes. While I do feel some are also very helpful through providing explanations and guidance to younger Officers, it is not consistently provided across the board.
- I providee people with supervisor help
- Some supervisors are moody and take the job too seriously for a game, others are really good at what they do
- u can ask them things if u dont know what to do
- Most of the time, supervisors are usually rude and indecisive when approaching situations where officers who are not so experts on the materials would usually need help.
Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
- I can just message people.
- Whenever i have a question and i send it in shoutbox or helpdesk or ask someone, i almost certainly get an answer
- because there is always someone who can help in game and on Helpdesk
- IA, SVs, HR.
- Whenever there's a situation and additionals are required, there is always at least 1 Officer able to respond, unless another high-risk situation ongoing.
- help is always there in plpd when i have a problem
- its a 50/50 sometimes they respond and sometimes they dont cus they are busy with a shootout
- Yup they respond to my ticket but it’s kinda takes a long time to respond
Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
- I would not openly admit to it in a social situation.
- fun + money
- I sure am most of the time atleast.
- It's a bit of a headache to get promoted, but I always wanted to be a cop in real life, and being a cop on Perp helps that passion
- I just wish I could get a promotion (e.g. Observation Reports) sooner.
- Yes and no, I love it especially as I main as a cop but I just feel it's way too serious sometimes. I come on to escape life for a few hours, not relive the boring and stressful red tape of life
- I take pride everyday I work a beat in PLPD.
- i protect the city the best that i can and have a firm hand not a iron fist
- Yes! I love being in PLPD I wish to be a high rank and have fun!!
My opinions seem to count.
- despite asking numerous times, no real adjustment to undercover patrol vehicles have been made (4mph for the crown vic are a fucking joke)
- most of the times ig
- In game? Sometimes yes. However on matters regarding the plpd as a whole? No
- I believe that whenever there is no TFOs on duty i have opinions but when there is TFU i have limited opinions when it comes to shootouts or pursuits
- On some stuff? Sure, on the larger scale? No.
- after l got SO yes
- I don't know if they do from a management point of view however from incidents, everyones opinion matters
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
- Joining the IA division
- meeting a great deal of new friends
- gotten TFU honestly
- becoming a hired gunman (TFO)
- Rtu
- My promotion to Corporal.
- doing the RTU training stage 4
- I became an IA investigator very happy about it!
- Nothing that I can recall aside from being appreciated in ORs makes me happy to see that all the hard work I'm putting in doesn't go unnoticed.
- Senior officer and taser and the abillity to apply for corpral
- I got a new OR and was promoted to Dispatcher.
- killed 3 mayor raiders 1 with pistol 2 with a stick
- that l become SO and lm currently at stage 4 RTU, and stage 3 TFU
- Getting RPU back and someone from higher ranks said my driving was one of the best
- I got Cpl.
- being in a police chase it was very fun and enjoyed it when we stopped the stolen car
- tfu
- participating in helping to kill bank robbers
- I managed to take down a suspect in a raid.
- Socialization - I have social anxiety, and me breaking out of that shell really helped me make new friends.
- 1 tapping the last bank robber in the head to save everybody
Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
- If necessery yes
- Not all the time but on occasions yes
- I receive more so called feedback from officers and senior officers than supervisors, but yeah i do receive feedback.
- Depends on the situation.
- yes, but he calls me curse words
- I don't receive feedback often
- A good 75% of the time he’ll yeah
- no one says at the end of the day that u did a good job, ppl resign when there dead im most scenarios
- Supervisors aren't patrolling with other officers, or sometimes not critiquing officers techniques.
If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
- patrol vehicles, the quality is just about mediocre
- as in right now i dont see anything wrong with the plpd honestly
- "Nothing I'd change but something I'd fix is notifications, I still don't get notis when:
- I get ORs
- I get IAs on me
- Activity report comes in
- Something is added to my record"
- Give patrol officers a better way to deal with the crims. Its basicly black screen simulator. Its an completely unfair fight most of the time.
- More guns for patrol officers
- The cooldowns on applications.
- Actual training for officers on procedures and aiming. Please. I've been shot in the back by pistol cops 3 times this week. Give these people some aiming lessons.
- Less red tape and applications. This is a game and therefore should be left as a game. The application processes are tedious and IAs are taken way to seriously
- have the option to put on sunglasses and more pistols to choose
- Add more sergeants cuz most of them are inactive
- Making the TFU process more streamlined; you could say that in order to join a division, you just have to attend a tryout and a brief training - instead of applying, and attempting to meet the rigid requirements.
- Observation report system for progress.
- harder applications or something like that too many new people fuck about as officer. Also for officers to not shoot your car while driving away from them when you committed a crime that doesn't harm anyone
- i want AS50 back
- Just allow it to be a game and not too serious. We all just want a bit of fun at the end of the day
- I feel qualified for TFU / RTU, but no the department is fine.
- none at the moment
- I think nothing at all, just like I said. People dont care about underaged or hight pitched voiced people.
- Add supervisors and just try to make sure they are nice
- harder applications or something like that too many new people fuck about as officer
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