This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 32 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.
Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.
This quarter's survey had a wider range of ranks which submitted responses, for the first time a Major has responded and provided some useful insight into the upper management of the PD.
How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
- I only see benefits of players joining the PLPD, As a new player joining you will get a good understanding of the map, the game and it's features as well as rules and policies.
- Its extremely fun to handle situations and patrol around with other officers. Everyone is nice and friendly and the supervisors are always on to patrol with and assist
- The department has changed quite a lot since I joined 5 years ago! The changes that have been made have made the department a much more friendly place for new officers and career paths much more accessable.
- Being an officer isn’t that big of a deal so I don’t see why I wouldn’t recommend they join. Recommending whether or not they should progress further in the PD into supervisory/administrative positions, etc. is another thing and may be slightly less than a 10 for that unless they’re very committed to the PD.
- Too much useless trivial regulations
- PLPD is currently not at the level it could be.
This question had mixed responses, some saying there is benefits such as learning the gamemode, and some saying that joining is hard and confusing.
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
- Been given praise for holding good and efficient training sessions however i don’t think command members get enough recognition for their work.
- I haven't been given recognition. But to be fair to the answer I have no real ties within the department, which means I patrol alone and therefore have noone observing my work.
- In last seven days has been a lot of time I’ve been on as only Corporal with so/officers trying help them out never had anyone say thank you for your work to me or anything like that
- Officers and senior officers are simply forgotten about most of the time.
This question had a majority of negative responses, saying no feedback is given unless in observation reports.
I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
- Guides and policies are good, but I wish there were more guides for different procedures for new players to follow.
- Please update the guides, policies ASAP. I beg you.
- some specific policies are hard to find
- They is some grey areas in handbooks however they are amazing
- They are written wierdly, and hidden wierdly to the point where new players struggle to even find them.
A lot of responses said information is clear, and the lower responses said they are hard to find.
Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
- my superiors always are willing to help me and support me with my work
- Since introducing more strict standards on Sergeant applications, I have noticed the new supervisors being a lot more competent than before.
- Supervisors tend to try their best to help, but too often a request for Supervisor or a question gets ignored or not attended to.
- Most supervisors nowadays are able and willing to give a helping hand, and do an OR patrol for an officer.
- Supervisors usualy only hinder process rather than doing things fast and efficient
Most of the high rated responses for this question are coming from command members, who have a designated supervisor which they interact with frequently, the lower ranked officers who have no set supervisor.
Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
- i’ve gone to my superiors many of times when in need of help
- We have the People Services to assist us with our issues about the department and the Chiefs of Department to assist us with more senior queries. I also have many supervisors and higher ups to assist me.
- Help desk is amazing
- Helpdesk is always responsive, shoutbox is no man's land
- I believe so not really looked into it
Most responses mentioned the Helpdesk and how quick responses are.
Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
- Love doing my job and being a role model for other new officers
- I'm on the verge of resigning tbh
- I've tried going crim more often to avoid the "cop main" label this time around but I find it the most entertaining job in server.
- Being a part of PLPD honestly helps me mentally because I feel like I can talk so many great people I do love it
- Yes. However sometimes I can perform to the full extent due to laws.
The numbered responses are mostly positive, the written responses however have a few negative answers
My opinions seem to count.
- Not really. I have a lot of opinions of what the department should be like and I agree with most of them, however some things are not as I would like them but I accept that as I'm not a command member nor is it my decision.
- Ive been in the department for 4 to 5 years now, during this period i gained over 400hrs of playtime just as a cop. Seen many situations, I were a CPL, almost passed TFU, i am a failrue, although I have really seen everything.
- In the grand scheme, no. It could be me individually, but at my rank, I don't feel that my opinion can count enough to change anyone's mind or way things are.
- I see change based on feedback i think and they ask for it quite often but I havent sat down and compared. Can't give a concrete awnser other than i see things change after opions sometimes.
- I tend to be mostly ignored
Very mixed set of responses, some sad and some good.
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
- Getting promoted to senior officer and getting praise from members of command for doing a good job
- My recent observation reports and the fact that I managed to deal with one of the most complex investigations that I've come across for years doing better than the rest of the Officers on scene including other Corporals that were even struggling.
- Passing Traffic (again!)
- The fun times with others really.
- My police distinguished service medal
Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
- There are usually no supervisors available during EU-Nighttime
- As stated before, that does not happen when you do not have social ties within the departmment and patrol by yourself.
- Don’t really know how to answer this to be honest. If there are any issues I’d expect to be contacted and supported but can’t think of any examples.
- Never, ever unless on an OR
- Getting OR's is impossible and i don't get much feedback when im on duty about my performance in a non OR way (General good job or you're doing well,etc)
A lot of the responses mentioned observation reports, which seem to be hard to get from higher ranks.
If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
- Make the TFU application not as crazy
- Please increase the amount of special tools and vehicles for Patrol and give people a reason to stay in Patrol.
- the wait times for retaking failed tests
- Ranking structure rather than getting ORs to become senior officer it’s time so takes time and then you can apply and get reviewed on how you handle things with a ride along
- Either removing the senior officer rank or giving them actual responsibilities and the actual ability to be useful
Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
- Patrol > Traffic
- It's really difficult being on sometimes with a bunch of new cops as they are so undertrained they do not know what they are doing
- Honestly I want thank you PLPD has been escape from me I’m starting feel more more sad every day with my personal life and PLPD gives me a freedom and a enjoyment I’ve never had before online it might sound sad just how am I want you thank you and I keep trying hard everyday!