Envy Enforcer Application

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Parts Unknown

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:155837584

AGE: 21 -despite my profile saying 24 I made it 7 years ago D:

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: Simply put I would like to be an enforcer for several different reasons. Despite being a cop main and hated by a few prime criminals I believe that I can make a difference. I'm really patient when it comes to most situations and am good at making sure due punishments are being handed out. I try to help as much as I can with what little I can do. As you may or may not know, dealing with Sweaters as a cop can be a challenge for most. I often find the best interactions with a sweater when they do something wrong so I can guide them in a more positive way. Such as helping them get set up with the missions app on their phone so they can actually get a feel for what they can do instead of endlessly buying guns and shooting people. I think overall I am very active on the server almost as much as my full time job. I'm very good at coming to the bottom of situations and finding out who was at fault.

  • I know that I am very sassy and people often perceive that as rude [im just gay]. Unfortunately that will not change and I'm usually only sassy when it comes to people being rude like talking over me and things of that nature. I also like to get straight to the point I do not want to waste anyone's time.
  • With that I'm asking that if you +1/-1 that you leave feedback so that I can get an understanding of where you are coming from! <3


In order for your application to be considered, you must meet the following four requirements:
  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week. Indeed
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record, this includes both the forums and the server. (1 month) N/A
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them. Indeed
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server. [not currently active but will happily change that for this position]
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Parts Unknown
being gay doesnt genetically give u negative character traits mate nobody wants a staff member whos just seen as rude and this is absolutely something u can change yet u choose to make excuses
With all do respect if you read what I said I just said that I'm sassy and people assume that im rude. Meaning I want people to make judgments on me based on our conversations. Whether you accept it or not generally negative connotations are made towards overly fem people[such as myself] that are sassy. Its not me making excuses just explaining the life that I live lol.
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You are kind of contradicting yourself by saying that you are patient in most situations, but then you state that you are very sassy and perceived as rude.

While getting to the point in a timely fashion is indeed a good trait to have as a staff member, I believe that it's also important to do so in a respectful manner. Keep in mind that larger "incident" reports may get quite hectic and that it's not unusual to have to tame a few people talking over each other (and you) during an admin sit. If that's not something you can do then I think you should reconsider if being a staff member is for you, or if you'd be better suited to help out the community in the role of Helper (which judging by your application could be a good fit for you.)

I hope that you find this criticism constructive, and regardless of the above wish you the best of luck with your application.
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With all do respect if you read what I said
great start with the passive aggression i love it when my points just prove themselves

I just said that I'm sassy and people assume that im rude.
sassiness is hand in hand with rudeness 99% of the time and the literal dictionary agrees with me


at what point when so many people "assume" it of you do you start to consider that it might be a lot more than just an assumption?

Meaning I want people to make judgments on me based on our conversations.
when you are putting out an application you are accepting that your words will be taken at face value by people who don't know you, which i can be quite confident in saying that constitutes a majority of the exact administration team you're trying to appeal to; marking yourself down as rude in your application and attempting to excuse it is not a good look and actually discourages the people that matter from ever starting conversations with you in the first place

Whether you accept it or not generally negative connotations are made towards overly fem people[such as myself] that are sassy. Its not me making excuses just explaining the life that I live lol.
the negative connotations are not made towards sassy people, they are constructed by the individuals themselves being overtly rude - your failure to accept accountability on a relatively minor thing which could be corrected with ease tells me enough about your character to know that i never want to see you in a position of power
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I only ever see you as cop so I doubt you would know the rules from the perspective of a crim, also I have never seen you post to the forums. I was honestly surprised when I saw what name was linked to this forum account.

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United Kingdom
I will be honest with you havent seen much from you in terms of OOC assistance I would suggest getting your name out there a bit more then try and apply as it needs to be publicly seen
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London, United Kingdom
that I'm sassy and people assume that im rude.
Have you considered that being sassy means that you are rude, and has no correlation nor causation with your sexual orientation or whether you see yourself to be more masculine or feminine?

I myself am bisexual and have been in relationships with other men. If I am being brutally honest, you gaslighting other community members and caveating your stinky attitude with the fact that you are a homosexual paints a bleak picture for us as the LGBTQ+ community and is the exact reason why a good portion of society has no interest in being allies.
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Parts Unknown
Have you considered that being sassy means that you are rude, and has no correlation nor causation with your sexual orientation or whether you see yourself to be more masculine or feminine?

I myself am bisexual and have been in relationships with other men. If I am being brutally honest, you gaslighting other community members and caveating your stinky attitude with the fact that you are a homosexual paints a bleak picture for us as the LGBTQ+ community and is the exact reason why a good portion of society has no interest in being allies.

No because as Ive explained its often how it is interpreted rather than how it actually is. Im not actually a dickhead although I explained it very poorly and now everyone thinks that I am. The point that I was trying to make was to understand me instead of judging me based on the ideology behind it.

The expression "because im gay" if you know me I say as a joke often [because i dont actually use it as an excuse literally ever it just funny that people try to]. But because that cant be explained through text now realizing that I fucked up by even putting it up here. None the less I agree with just about all of the feedback that I have been given and understand that what you type cant often be interpreted simply because you cant hear it from my word of mouth and some if not most people havent interacted with me.
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Under Lewis088's bed
  • I know that I am very sassy and people often perceive that as rude [im just gay]. Unfortunately that will not change and I'm usually only sassy when it comes to people being rude like talking over me and things of that nature. I also like to get straight to the point I do not want to waste anyone's time.

My brother is gay, he is a bouncer and head of a security firm, he isn't sassy or rude in fact a very respectable guy. Your point is bullshit
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Parts Unknown
I dont know how to get the point across that I wasn't trying to use it as an excuse or to be an asshole any better. That is not at all what I was trying to do. Im sorry that I explained it poorly and made anyone upset. I apologize.
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I would suggest being more involved in the community and getting more positive reputation before reapplying