Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

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My House
I recently bought EOD but it decided to take my money but not give me the game, I contacted the customer support and I'm waiting for an answer but I actually wanna know if anyone faced a problem like this and what is the best solution to do ? and did i get scammed ? will i get my money back ?
How do you know it hasn't given you the game..?

From the title it seems like you upgraded from standard to EOD, if you then don't see your huge stash that's normal. You need to reset your progress in order for changes to happen.
yes they took the money but i didn't actually receive the EOD upgrade
So im assuming, you had standard edition and upgraded to EOD,
you need to reset your profile in order to see ingame changes.
it seems that you didn't get it, they took the money but they haven't sent me an email about EOD neither on my profile page and the launcher says i have standard edition and yes I reset my account but nothing happened
I see what you mean now, you're answer was very vague at first, however your best shot would be support ofc.
Check your email, look in your spam folder for an email saying “Pre-order Escape from Tarkov”. If it’s not there then there could be a chance you maybe bought the version on a different account? But I doubt that, come on teamspeak tomorrow or message me on steam I’ll try to help you as much as I can. If you tried every method and nothing worked your best shot would be support.
EDIT: I sorted it out with xsolla and they have issued the refund but will take 1-10 days, is there a way I can make it fast so I can buy it with the 25% discount?
Wait you got it refunded? Why didn't you just ask for the edition
The sale is ending today, try to maybe get your mom or dad to pay for you and when you get refunded pay them back. Because 25% sale is ending today.
sossa , I've tried but my father used to buy on eBay and his visa got stolen multi times and he doesn't want me to buy by it