Everyone in The Continental

Reaction score
I am writing this for all the people in The Continental that have managed to make the server a lot more fun for the time I was in it.

I have had some of my greatest PERP times in this organisation over the few weeks we were active and they were the main reason I became this active again. I never thought I would have the same amount of fun in PERP as I did in 2015/16 but they have managed to get it done. All this could not have happened without the help of everyone in the organisation and that is why I am recommending them.

I will be tagging some of the people that have really made it all happen, thanks. This list is not in any order. If you were in the org but I didn't tag you, don't worry, you were still great and you know who you are.

@Testa - Thanks for creating this organisation, won't forget this.
@flugs - Same as Testa, probably won't be the last time we speak.
@THE SPOOK - Do I even have to write anything here?
@Tomiko - Fuck you. <3
@Blackdown - Had some nice conversations with you, won't be the last one.
@Mimball - Extremely hilarious to see angry.
@obidan66 - Very nice dude, great roleplay, great voice.

This looks like a fucking goodbye post now, it isn't though don't worry!!!
It was good whilst it lasted. RP rose back up but then dipped again afterwards. As you said, a Prime example would be the Roundabout today. People just kept fucking around with it.
Been a lot of fun playing with you, I’ve also left the org but I won’t forget the good times we’ve all had after the last few weeks. Good luck on future orgs and Enforcer whenever you choose to apply :)