Excessive Negativity

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Rule: 2.5 Excessive Negativity

My Version: Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect
the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example intentionally mugging and targeting new players, destroying a number of valuable items in a store, or raiding players performing immersive roleplay should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable.

Why?: I think this should be added since when people raid/mug/kidnap/kill you while you're doing PassiveRP and not drugs it can be super annoying and really another thing that discourages people from doing Passive RP. By having this rule, it would preserve the server's roleplay and also make people want to do PassiveRP more. Obviously, as stated in the rule, it can be done under certain circumstances e.g. if the people shoot at you or they mug one of your people however I doubt that would happen as you are passiveRPing.
This is kinda annoying, you see places all the time where people have set up places where it looks like there doing passive RP but theres drugs in the back. Its hard to define, and would be hard to punish.
would there be like building signs? x----- passive rp area dont enter kos -----x. Its ridiculous, and this suggestion has obviously not been thought on properly.
Sound's to me we got someone here who was doing PassiveRP, got fucked, then tried to change the rule. No, thieves and such have to make a living somehow, I feel it be more unrealistic if I wasn't able to raid without a reason.
Lmao who really cares anymore about raiding / mugging people who are fucking passiveRP'ing.
The new mugging rules have mostly destroyed the hopes of anyone wanting to make a payday from such activities

If you really are a passiveRP establishment don't grow drugs in the back of your shop / restaurant / whatever you are doing and just leave all the doors open so they can see you don't have anything.

There I just solved your problem for you. You're welcome.
Crime RP goes alongside passive RP. Criminals don't just target other criminals.
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