Explanation about my so called "resignation"

Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Me in the staff channel 3 minutes ago with all the lads

Sorry about the "resignation" thread I've made today. I realized the mistakes and will return as an Administrator but still with limited activity, don't want to get too bored of PERP xd

I still feel bad about the whole thread. You can take it as a prank, a thread just to farm for ratings, etc. I just hope you can forget about it, I do not like upsetting people especially those that I love and care about... that's all, love you all and thanks for the support <3.
Once again, I am very sorry and hope you can forgive me, this was all a bad decision I made on 6AM. Thank you @MrLewis.
it's too late i dont want you back anymore my heart can only be broken so many times
Ermak leaves and decides to come back-"attention farmer"
Creepis leaves and decides to come back-Winner X13
9/11 would come back again
There is no escape, you belong to us now <3
Glad you're staying. Us abusers and mingers can finally break the rules again, knowing we shan't be punished :)

If you want ratings then just tell people you're dying :booty:
does this mean your still up to rdm or what????
plz dad

its just a prank guys i dont break rules!!!!!!!!!

im glad ur not gone papa :)