False arrest, raid fail

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I killed an LT bc he arrested my friend after the admin said to end the sit with the police, I then told the LT after he cuffed my friend the it was over. He said, IDC. I then Shot him bc he was breaking rules. I was trying to explain it to the officers, but they just raided. I lost my M4 and 1 pot.


Hello Zackery,
We have a template in the refund requests forum that we require you to follow. Also, if there has not been a Ban Accepted, we require a demo to see what happened was legitimate.

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Bottrop, Germany
So basicly, I just picked up the drugs after we raided to check if something suspicious is inside as my officers told me that you helped the bank robbers. I went downstairs, saw a man and told him to leave the crime scene, he refused to do so so I cuffed him. After a few seconds 2 men came inside, one directly pulled a gun out and shot me in the face, so you never said anything about it, only your friend said ask the admin IC, which would be a breakage of rule 3.24. All in all nobody even told be about what the admin said and as we already finished the raid and it was valid (ask Belg or Puma, they can confirm it) and I wasn't aware of what the admin (Devils I guess) said, I dont see a reason why you should be refunded.
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One of you scrubs were baiting me(i was a cop) by driving around with 4 cuffed guys inside your Escalade and letting them all out asking for a bobby pin. Then when I exited my car you decided to drive off and let all of them except for one guy hop in without the doors being opened (they were cuffed) thus breaking 3.20 by baiting me. Then we were searching for the black escalade who helped the suspects escape and we found it at the office. Then the guys who were helped out of their cuffs showed up from outside and we asked them to leave multiple times but they refused thus I detained them because we would've been raiding the place and they put their lifes at risk. Then the aids happened and they kept going out of IC and going into LOOC and the RP situation was basically ruined. We were never going to arrest the guys who tresspassed just giving them a ticket for tresspassing. We then were going to raid the building because they refused to let out the guys who escaped. They killed the LT who was alone in the building first so we started raiding it then. And then the crying fest began and this is basically it. I'll try to upload a demo of it later for the cop baiting and stuff I just cba to make my own BR

Also please use the correct template and provide proof.
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