Favourite Weapon ingame?

As a police officer my favourite weapon to use would be a Colt m1911a1 (back in the old days)
As Swat I like to use the G36c rifle as it reminds me of British armed response.
Currently I like using the Usp40.
So really I have 3 favourite weapons.
Pistol: USP
SMG: I don't use them a lot but probably a UMP-45
Rifle: While a M4 is great I tend to use the AK-101 or AK-47 more.
Sniper: M82 used to be my favorite because it could kill SWAT in a single shot however now its the SR-25 as it can be suppressed and kill SWAT in a single bullet. Defending a property with them is nice too.
Either the Sawed-Off Remi or the L85 because it reminds me of the British Royal Marines.
I don't really use guns that often, I prefer to craft guns and supply them instead. My favourite gun ATM has to be the AK47, not only is it cheap ish to craft but it also looks amazing with attachments.
The remington 870 short, fairly accurate, not visible on back, over powered if used correctly, especially on regals stairs lmao.
Pistol> M9
Shotgun> Remington
Mele> Machete
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