Flash opinion?

Does flash need a rework?

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it does not go through walls all tho it does go through all props....... BILL GATES FIX THIS SHIT
As a tfu I feel like the flash is ofc useful but I think it is very easy to predict. For example it is easy to hear the pin and if the pin gets pulled far enough away so u don’t hear it I still feel like u could predict it coming when for example the door has been open for a good amount of time and u now tfu is outside.

I can see what u mean in the clip but I don’t know if that was ping issue or just a very good flash.
I believe majority of the flash statistics are based on proximity to the grenade itself, due to you being really close to it, its potency is quite harsh, and while i do wanna give myself some props for that lob of a throw, personally im with you that it shouldn't really full flash you, especially considering you managed to get behind a solid wall instead of a barricade and was still full flashed.
As a tfu I feel like the flash is ofc useful but I think it is very easy to predict. For example it is easy to hear the pin and if the pin gets pulled far enough away so u don’t hear it I still feel like u could predict it coming when for example the door has been open for a good amount of time and u now tfu is outside.
Its not very often im being flashed by tfu, normally when i hear it i just turn around and it works just fine. This is the first time ive been flashed like that, personally it doesnt make any sense. I shouldnt rely on running away when i hear the pin pop, only on looking away.
In my clip of me almost wiping PD, (Vent montage 2 with me and rob), he got full flashed behind 2 concrete barriers. I'm pretty sure the AOE (small white circle when the flash emits) is what causes what you've seen on top of if you look at it directly. The only counter is to not stand so close to it.
you peeked out and then got flashed you werent exactly fully behind cover.. although i do agree it shouldnt have completely blinded you tbh
i think the flash like toby said should not go through props for the blind effect atleast. Make it so looking away from the flash rewards you with being less flashed, because right now its fully proximity from what i can tell.
I believe majority of the flash statistics are based on proximity to the grenade itself, due to you being really close to it, its potency is quite harsh, and while i do wanna give myself some props for that lob of a throw, personally im with you that it shouldn't really full flash you, especially considering you managed to get behind a solid wall instead of a barricade and was still full flashed.
I also think its weird indeed, and i dont see why the flash got remade to an aoe kind of thing. Flashes are meant to be hard to use.
Its not very often im being flashed by tfu, normally when i hear it i just turn around and it works just fine. This is the first time ive been flashed like that, personally it doesnt make any sense. I shouldnt rely on running away when i hear the pin pop, only on looking away.
Yeah I agree and like @Locksmith said u should not have been full flashed in that situation.
I don’t really know if this is like that all the time or if that was more of a rare thing happening.
you peeked out and then got flashed you werent exactly fully behind cover.. although i do agree it shouldnt have completely blinded you tbh
It landed behind the barricade, then i moved behind the apartment wall and then flashed. The apartment wall may be a ping diff but the barricade, certainly not.
doesnt need a rework, reason why you still got flashed because it went off while you where looking at it. if you just stayed behind the wall you would have been fine
1712785448119.png idk maybe your player model was sticking out.still wouldnt say they need a rework just look the completely opposite way when there is a flash orlook int a direction where you know you wont get flashed like if your playing siege
It got changed because realistically looking away from a flashbang or hiding behind a wall wouldn’t actually nullify its effects on account of flashbangs producing an 180 Decibel blast and over 1 million Candelas, and light reflects off of shit too.

Maybe for gameplays sake having it so they don’t blind you when you don’t have direct line of sight of it would be ideal but fuck it, Civs can craft them too.
I don't mind the change that if you are legit stood ontop of it but have a barricade in-between, that it still full flashes, however if your a decent bit away from the flashbang, it should not be as potent and you still should be able to mostly see your surroundings, as the way it currently is, if your good at throwing grenades, you can easily breach an apartment with like 2 TFU and wipe the entirety of occupants inside.