flooded basement

  • Thread starter Thread starter DarthMaui97
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Your in-game name: Gin Yamaguchi Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49590999
Reason: Today at about 15:30 (UTC+1:00) i wrote in the chat "a hailstorm is raping my house"
and after a few hours the water flooded my basement. I had to turn off my coumputer
and keep it safe upstairs, i was growing one plant of cacaine and one of weed: that's
a lot of money can i get it back? :\
Evidence: http://s9.postimg.org/u7b7foqvj/DSCN4152.jpg

Edit: evidence added
I remember him saying something along those lines.
Ash said:
Use the template please.
Edited, but i can't upload the photo it says it's too big (max 2MB), but it's only 2KB

Edit: ups my fault 2,309KB mean 2k KB not 2 KB and 309B... i'll zip it
Edit: god damn it it's not enought! ...I'll put it on Internet and post the link
Edit: @#*!?§ MAMMA MIA PIZZERIA! my fabulous county blocked MEGA GG!... okok i got it i'll find another site that's all
Denied - Sadly we do not refund people for issues that is on their side, for example, you crashing. An example which would get you refunded would be if the server crashed, sorry Darthmaui!
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