Flux' Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
regals 6
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Ayjay & Nutrient10
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Flux
Your In-game Name: Harry Rose (I think?)
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:193051131

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating & Ban Evasion (See: ScamBans)
Why should this appeal be considered:

I am going to be honest and give you my exact perspective of how I saw things then and now, and to prove that I am different and changed.

Firstly, I would like to apologize to the community. Firstly, for using cheats to boost my ego, this was exactly what I wanted it to do apart from the fact I made money and gained loads of weapons off of doing this, and it wasn’t a decision made on first instinct; I had thought about it for a while leading up to that point. Secondly, for coming on an alternate account, I should have thought about this properly, as I knew if I were to be caught, I would be in all heaps of trouble, which I was.

I started cheating for the pure fact of getting an ego boost, and the fact that everyone I knew had either been banned, or in the case of @ViZe had taken a break. Due to everyone I knew being gone, I decided the only way for me to make a name for myself was to use cheats. I cheated for my own satisfaction and personal game in the form of weapons and money and decided that this was the only way to gain these two prized things. I did not take into consideration about how frustrated other users were getting with me, especially as I would break the raid timer, and, yes, I would of course win the majority as I had cheats. I started going more and more blatant, as I thought I was untouchable. I came to the realisation that what I had done was selfish, and of course against the rules. When a player report came in about me cheating, I decided to come clean as I knew that I would have been caught and wanted to gain reputation within the community for myself.

I then came on an alt account as I missed the server, and I felt like I was missing out. I was jealous that the friends I had made were still playing, and I was not. This does not excuse what I did, and I should have known better. I decided to tell a community member about me being on an alt, so we went raiding together. I did not use cheats on this account; however, this does not give me a viable excuse to come on an alt account. Nutrient then found out I was alt accounting, as I was with this community member during the raid, he questioned him, to see if he knew it was me, he admitted he knew it was me, and I decided to try and lie my way out of it. I made an appeal on said alt account and decided to try and play out like it was not me, by putting on a persona. I believed that I would get away with it. I then wasted Nutrient and Dan’s time in TeamSpeak and Discord for an entire evening, claiming it was not me etc, I got one of my IRL friends to come on TeamSpeak and try and lie to them about how it was him. This was very wrong of me to do, and I abused my friend’s trust just to attempt to come back to the community, this was completely wrong to do and I should have known better. I am very sorry for what I did during this and I should have known better; it was a big mistake and I regret it totally.

I wish I had never cheated and attempted to come back on an alt account, for the pure reason of how welcoming and unique the community is. The other fact is both these actions are wrong, even so, cheating & ban evading is wrong in any community; I should have known better. The server however is unique, with the most custom content out of any Garry’s Mod server I know of, this makes me regret what I have done even more as nothing can replicate the community/server. The fact that I may never play the server again does make me feel upset, the fact I did something so selfish in the first place says something, however I believe I have bettered myself, and I can come back without cheating again.

I would like to apologize for my general toxicity within the community, I was totally out of order and this was just due to me ego tripping, believing I was untouchable and overall using PERP as a way to release certain aspects of my life I wasn't happy with at the time; it was out of order and I had an opportunity to play on the server, and I disrespected that.

If I were to be unbanned, I would attempt to climb the ranks within the PLPD, and base with my main man @ViZe. I would also like to bring some unique RP to the server, rather than the boring shootouts that occur day in, and day out. I would like to get involved with the RP org’s such as Lewis’ org, as the RP involved looks very fun and is spicing up the server. Another idea is to create rival RP org’s, that do not kill like all the bloodthirsty tryhard orgs but organise things such as meetings and set up drug operations. I would love to get involved with some of the unique RP the server has recently started to get back into. The PLPD also has some great RP involved, I like the rank structure and the fact it takes a kind of realistic amount of effort to get promoted, I like the fact that rather than being active you apply and prove you are worthy of that rank you are applying for. I believe I will be able to follow through with these, and not just treat PERP as an eSport or Rust server.

Finally, I have attempted to get back with the community. I have created some memes that I believe are funny, and hopefully some of you have had a great laugh looking at them; yes I did do this to get back in within the community pre-appeal to hopefully give myself a better chance to get unbanned and hopefully prove I am willing to change. I did however gain over 60 reaction score over the span of around a week and a half, going from Junior to Expert member (speedrunning is ezpz). This does not prove I will not reoffend; however, I believe this proves I want to be back in with the community and prove that I can get on with people unlike the past; my general toxicity was wrong and I am different now, any jokes made are for entertainment and shouldn’t be taken seriously, they weren’t meant to offend anyone.

Additional Comment(s): I hope you can forgive me and allow me to play again. I am extremely sorry for what I did, and I cannot say I am sorry enough. I can’t prove my words have intentions and I understand this chance is very undeserved, but I hope you can understand why I did what I did, and how I am not the same as I was. Giving me another chance will allow me to prove myself. Thank you for reading
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