Model Suggestion FN FiveSeveN pistol

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Suggestion Title: FN FiveSeveN pistol
Suggestion Description: In an attempt to add more variety to pistols, add the FN FiveSeveN handgun.

The FN FiveSeveN is a handgun which fires a unique, rifle styled bottleneck cartridges rather than conventional pistol rounds. This grants it:
- Superior velocity. It fires at over twice the speed as a 9MM, and can deliver more energy as a result.
- Superior penetration due to its rifle styled sharp tip projectile.
- Superior capacity, A magazine which does not protrude from the grip can hold 20 rounds, and a 30 round magazine can be added without much protrusion from the grip.
- Superior range. Whilst the effective range is 55 meters, the overall range it can fire a projectile at is 1500 meters.
- Flatter trajectory leading to less drop.

Currently, the only pistols that see use regularly as viable main weapons to fight cops with is the HK45CT. Even the desert eagle is becoming less utilised. Whilst the FN FiveSeveN isn’t as powerful as these firearms, it’s capacity and penetration capabilities would make it viable.

In game balancing ideas:
- The weapon should have similar recoil to the HK USP40.
- It should share the same firerate as the Glock 17
- The weapon should have the same penetration as 5.56, meaning it should maintain all its max damage through windows and around 80% of its max damage through thinner walls.
- Due to its increased penetration capabilities it should do significantly more damage to vehicles than other conventional caliber handguns. (Magnum rounds and desert eagle rounds should not be considered as conventional rounds)
- It should maintain accuracy at range better than other pistols.
- In terms of damage, it should be similar to the Makarov round (9x18mm) but maintain better accuracy at range.

Why should this be added?:
- Changes the pistol meta.
- Much loved handgun due to CS
- Would definitely be used.
- Models for this gun are readily available
What negatives could this have?:
- model and animation work required.

Useful Images:
What do you have in mind in what it should be able to penetrate? The FN caliber 5,7×28 mm is only viable in penetrating soft kevlar (lightly armoured targets like SS and the NATO CRISAT, Moderately Armoured Police should have about NIJ II which is able to stop 9mm and even 5.7). It has limited knockdown power and comes straight out of the body instead of tumbling around in someone unfortunates enough body which does reason the similar damage to 9×18 mm you have mentioned.

Not many pros except for the high magazine capacity when everyone's son in this server already uses the HK45 CT which is still king of pistol calibers next to 10x22mm (and 25mm in the MP5/10) in terms of shots fired in order to kill someone.
What do you have in mind in what it should be able to penetrate? The FN caliber 5,7×28 mm is only viable in penetrating soft kevlar (lightly armoured targets like SS and the NATO CRISAT, Moderately Armoured Police should have about NIJ II which is able to stop 9mm and even 5.7). It has limited knockdown power and comes straight out of the body instead of tumbling around in someone unfortunates enough body which does reason the similar damage to 9×18 mm you have mentioned.

Not many pros except for the high magazine capacity when everyone's son in this server already uses the HK45 CT which is still king of pistol calibers next to 10x22mm (and 25mm in the MP5/10) in terms of shots fired in order to kill someone.
Any wall that can be penetrated by 5.56 but with slightly more damage loss from doing so

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