For my bae Glacial

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Parts Unknown
our Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck / joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Glacial_Subzero / Victoria Gonzales
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75036557
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2x NLR / 3.4

User went back twice to minge around in the crime scene in a attempt to find weapons. User was shot first off the roof then returned later in a attempt to nick a gun off the crime scene only to get shot and killed again. Then when he respawns he breaks NLR AGAIN and returns another time to the scene to find weapons but found none.

Video's are placed in order of what happened, if staff members needs continues video stream let me know and I'll render the whole thing for you, pm me for this.

After i died to you sniping me on top of the bank i waited out my nlr to get my car as i seen it at bank parked and went to go in my car but when i went down the steps i seen 2 guns laying around but my intentions weren't to grab any guns or else i would've been looking on top of bank for mine.. so without anyone around and no shots or bank robbery going on i thought i would grab the guns as i seen nadines dead body next to them so i was thinking of putting them in the white tesla and grabbing my car to leave but i ended up dead without knowing there was a swat sniper. 2nd time i came back was because i was told by Dom Ghandi my car had a bomb on it so i proceeded to walk towards bank and i notice my car once again and i also waited for my nlr time to go away so i can deal with the bomb on my car.
You were mingling in the scene, and waiting on the bridge for your NLR to run out (twice). The 2nd time (last time) you went back you also went into the bank trough the back for some reason? I got nothing to add to this, I'll leave a mod to decide. Good luck.

Maybe it would add clarity if Glacial could upload his demo pov from the bank robbery point up until the end as it would provide a less laggy solution then my footage.

Also @Mage kept flying around Glacial, maybe he can add something?
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