Server Suggestion Foregrip

Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
Suggestion Title: Foregrip
Suggestion Description: A foregrip, for ARs to reduce recoil. Should cost around 5k to produce at 0 tax. Can be compatibility with some SMGs (UMP, M5/10, etc). Can bring down recoil 30-50%, depending on the gun.

Why should this be added?:
- allow for more attachments

What negatives could this have?:
- too OP?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: none really
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Can you add more detail other then FoRgRiP pLz DeV.

Explain what it could offer, less recoil, More things to attach onto your gun, Sure, But why tho what could you offer players with a forgrip. Other then just too op, add more onto this, Why would people want this, How would it be incorporated

(I might be Very SLIGHTY extremely triggered)
Can you add more detail other then FoRgRiP pLz DeV.

Explain what it could offer, less recoil, More things to attach onto your gun, Sure, But why tho what could you offer players with a forgrip. Other then just too op, add more onto this, Why would people want this, How would it be incorporated

(I might be Very SLIGHTY extremely triggered)
Didn’t see the need to explain a foregrip but sure
Can you actually outline proper negative, such as Balance, Gun compatibility issues model wise, dev time ect
Add one of these beauties and watch the server turn to labs


Yeah there needs to be a more balanced context to this, the percentage should definitely be lower to begin with
Yeah there needs to be a more balanced context to this, the percentage should definitely be lower to begin with
Yeah halving the recoil is way too much imo considering guns like the scar are already almost point n click with a compensator. A much smaller recoil reduction would be more fitting (especially considering the suggested price of 5k) but then it might get to a point where its not worth the money. Make it better, and then its suddenly overpowered.. just sounds like hell to balance.

While it would be cool, its not like a grip is really required. Recoil is pretty good as it is. Dont think ive ever complained about recoil on a gun with a compensator.
Can be compatibility with some SMGs (UMP, M5/10, etc).
As mentioned by Ezza there could be model compatibility issues. You mention the MP5/10, but the models ingame dont seem to have rails there so where would a grip go? Im no expert on this but wouldn't they have to make a seperate model of the gun without the already existing foregrip (handguard bit is basically a grip) or a modified version, to make it work properly? If they didnt do that then the way the attachment would go on a gun like that is by clipping through that part or weirdly blending with it, right? Sounds like a pain to make it look good and not really worth it when considering grips arent really something we need because compensators do a good enough job already.
This idea isn’t refined at all, so…

Having a singular attachment as a generic foregrip solely to act as compensator 2 foregrip boogaloo wastes potential of adding different grips with different benefits. Each grip should more or less have a downside as well as an upside, just like in real life. This shouldn’t just “be a recoil reducer”, more an ability to shape a firearm, taking the base stats of its recoil and refining them, but adding a slight downside. It should essentially balance out the weapon it is put onto.

Vertical foregrip:
- reduces vertical recoil.
- Slightly increases horizontal recoil (muzzle drift)
- Only usable with non-concealable primaries

Angled foregrip:
- Reduces horizontal recoil / muzzle drift.
- Increases vertical recoil slightly.
- Only fits onto non concealable primaries.

Folding foregrip:
- Does the same thing as the Vertical foregrip to a lesser degree.
- Unlike the vertical foregrip, fits onto the MP9 and other concealable SMGs with the space to take it.

Flashlight foregrip:
- Weaker version of the vertical foregrip.
- Built in light.
- Larger primaries only.

I don’t particularly see much of a need at this moment in time for such an update to be added, nor do I really stand by what I have written above, just figured I’d get the ball rolling.

Cons for this include:
- Continuity issues with the animations unless new animations are made, most first person viewmodels wouldn’t hold the foregrip otherwise. Not gamebreaking but it leads to a continuity issue.
- If animations are made that switch between holding grips and not holding grips, this would take a huge amount of time.
- Economically, would jack up the price of certain rifles beyond points where many people would see it as a worthy investment to use them.
- Firearms would likely need rebalancing for this to be implemented in a manner which justifies people feeling inclined to use them. For example, why would someone use a foregrip equipped AUG over a SCAR, if the foregrip is already an additional expense just to make the AUG Perform like the SCAR Does?
I don’t really see the need of more recoil reduction, the rifle comp does enough
Can you actually outline proper negative, such as Balance, Gun compatibility issues model wise, dev time ect
Price of the attachment should it be expensive so everyone dont have it or should it be cheap so players can match TFU
I don't think more recoil reduction is necessary. It should maybe give you improved ergonomics like faster passive/attack stance swapping, ADS or other sped up animations to give a small edge.
I don't think more recoil reduction is necessary. It should maybe give you improved ergonomics like faster passive/attack stance swapping, ADS or other sped up animations to give a small edge.

Was about to say this, recoil doesn't need to be reduced, improved ADS speed or movement speed while ADS would be cool.

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