Forum Userbars


Reaction score
Leeds, England.
Listen up, stop playing with your pet hamster; this shit's real.

I noticed that many of you guys don't have cool signatures, so I thought I'd make some kind of 'userbar' making service for you guys to have some cool userbars in your signatures.
Check out the examples below, I can make pretty much any if you wish; just put it in your post.

Style: (1,2,3,4)
Text Colour:
Anything else:

Style 1:

Style 2:

Style 3:

Style 4:


As I said, if you have your own design; I can have a crack at making it - You're not just obligated to use the ones above.

*Can be animated if you wish.

Name: Amr
Style: (1,2,3,4): 4
Text Colour: white
Anything else: write Ayjay's Bitch under the name :)
Style: (1,2,3,4): 1
Text Colour: White
Anything else: Instead of having the community bit, I want "Blackest staff member 2k15"
Name: Chrissy
Style: 1
Text Colour: White
Anything else: Add a tagline "At least I don't have bipolar disorder like AyJay"
Name: Minilarro
Style: (1,2,3,4)
Text Colour: White
Anything else: A zoom in on Subs 6 like the Hopsital, starting from the sky on the left going down. :kappa:
Name: MrLewis
Style: (1,2,3,4) 1
Text Colour: Black
Anything else:
Name: Trande
Style: (1,2,3,4) 1
Text Colour: White
Anything else: Write "Not a troll at all." in comic sans, please.
Name: Puma 123
Style: 1
Text Colour: black
Anything else: Tagline; "You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Name: ErmakDimon
Style: (1,2,3,4) 1
Text Colour: Black
Anything else: PD parking photo when it's full (like on meetings) with focus in the cars, under the photo says: a dedicated PLPD officer. Thanks.
Hi, thank-you for setting this up, Ayjay.
Name: Zan
Style: (1,2,3,4): 2
Text Colour: #046fcc (Blueish).
Anything else: If you could make the text more bold, that would be good. You have my thanks.
Name: Sky-Walker
Style: (1,2,3,4) 1
Text Colour: White
Anything else: Near a Ferrari 458 in purple metallic (Like mine), possibly with something that animates near. Eg the fountain. Also says "Has the best Ferrari"
Last edited:
Name: The-Devils-Son
Style: (1,2,3,4) Me doing act muscle LOL
Text Colour: Blue
Anything else: As the text in right corner "Most sexiest voice"
Name: Sdac2™
Style: (1,2,3,4) 4
Text Colour: White
Anything else: Put ''Biggest Scottish Cunt'' for the text thing under ma name