Frank's Useful Guides [2]

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Hello Newbie, Welcome to PERP-Heads,
An Awesome Garry's mod community!

For you wondering where the first guide is located, here is the link:

This is going to be the second guide, for you new people to settle in and play!

So, first things first. You're in the server, and don't know where to start off your journey!
[What to do when you join]

When you spawn in, you will find yourself in the City Hall. Here, you can sign up for the election to become mayor, change your name or leave your current organisation.


You will need a phone, so you need to find a gas station, and buy a phone which costs $625. To get this amount of money, search for an ATM, when you find one press E on it and withdraw the required amount.

You will need a place to live.. but where can you buy your luxury home, or room?
Well, go to the XQ Bank in the city, and go to the ATM. Press E and get the required amount to buy the occupance. Then, you press E on the NPC and buy it.


I am guessing you are asking "How will I reach these destinations? They will be hard if I walk there, and it will take time!"
Gladly, im here to help!
There is a taxi driver, if you wish to call him, either do /taxi or call on your cellphone, the number of the taxi driver is 232.

Here is @LEWIS 088 as a taxi driver



Where can I buy a car, you may ask?

Well, if you get a taxi, and tell him to go to the Car Dealer, there you will find countless cars, which can be bought.
Go up the stairs of the car dealer, and there will be 2 NPC's, 1 for VIP and 1 for normal players.

A picture of the Car dealer


Here are all the numbers for services;

Roadcrew - 565 | /rc
Taxi Driver - 232 | /taxi
Delivery Man - Cellphone, delivery application
Helpline - 911

Well, I hope this helped out a lot, see you on the server!
Good luck.

Was fun helping you out with this!

This is a great guide, thank you for the contribution to the community!
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