Hello all, So I've had a lot of New Players / Players with some experience wanting to rack up their cash before starting their adventures so I hope this Guide will be beneficial to you all.
Here are the list of LEGAL Jobs and their description with the LOCATION of where you can sign on or apply;
Location of the Jobs are marked in Orange.
Government Employee Jobs are marked in Blue.
City Employee Jobs marked in Green.
- Courier (Delivery Driver, You make deliveries across the map to NPC's and Real Players) - Courier is based at a Warehouse down at the Docks near Bazaar on the slip road Harbour Lane.
- EMS (Medic, Self Explanatory, You are a Medic in which goes around healing members of the public and responding to 911 calls of injuries) - At the Hospital, Past the Intersection on the right.
- Roadcrew (You fix broken cars and semi-work for the government in meeting their needs of repairing and impounding criminal vehicles) - Behind the Police Department, Across from Slums at the Gas Station
- Taxi Driver (Drive real players around) - This is across from the City Garage inside of a tiny garage
- Firefighter (Put out map made fires and fires made from real players like Car Bombs) - You can find this right next to Slums apartment which is on Shady Street
- Police (Police officer, which you apply at PLPD.online) - The Police Department across from City Hall / Spawning Point.
- Mayor (Being the Mayor of Paralake and Manages Finances and Jobs) - The City Hall
- Secret Service (Protect the Mayor WHEN there is a Mayor assigned) - The City Hall
Here is the full link to the Narcotics Guide, I won't make a whole new one as this one is fine and causing repetency is unnessacary.
- Cocaine: Cocaine is done with the exact same process as Weed (Other than the Seeds) (Sells for $150 Each)
- Meth: Guide to Meth (Sells for $250 Each)
- Weed: Weed is done by using Advanced Planters or Basic Planters in which you must purchase 12 Seeds (Advanced Planters) or 10 Seeds for Basic Planters, Then you grow and await the growing period, I would suggest getting to the "Seeding" part in which gives you 100+ Seeds and allows you to re-grow more than 3+ times meaning you don't need to waste any more money on seeds. (Sells for $150 Each)
- You can get raided, even if you are a New Player.
- People can steal your items such as your Pyrex Dishes when drying your Cocaine (Planter's are not stealable, Police may get rid of your BASIC Planters if confiscated.
- Defending yourself in your property without a firearm can also get your items mugged (robbed) of yourself.
Drugs are then sellable to the Drug Dealer in which is in a variety of different locations, You can find the Drug Dealer (DD) by looking in ENCLOSED area's in which aren't in the public view, Each place will have a "PH" location for resemblance of PERPHeads, If you come across a PH logo with no NPC there, The Drug Dealer is not in the spot.

Good luck to all you new players that are reading this, Money isn't hard to come across, You'd be surprised how much you make for just going on duty as EMS / Police and RPing and going to loads of situations without even realising how much time has gone past, Drugs are an easy route and will make you money the fastest of course but they come with risks.
- If you need help, Simply ask anybody on the server as I am sure they will help you, If you need further assistance of urgent assistance, Make an F6.
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