Police Suggestion Fully remove activity requirements for non executive roles

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Suggestion Title: Fully remove activity requirements for non executive roles
Suggestion Description: I'm making this suggestion because i disagree with the bureaucratic mess called the Paralake police Department. One thing i would like to seee changed specifically, are the activity requirements. I'm not making this suggestion because im salty or anything, i see this as a genuine quality of life improvement on something that is an issue, but shouldn't need to be one. Im focusing on TFU as an example here; but this will apply to the PD throughout.

I understand that if you have a role within the PLPD, that there are requirements to that role. If you handle applications, you should be able to do them at specific times, and to a satisfactory amount and standard. To say it short; people are here to enjoy roleplay, and some of us, police roleplay. If you hold a role where time is of the essence, and you interfere with other people if you don't spend enough time, an activitity requirement makes sense.

However, i found myself demoted from TFU because i haven't played enough. What's the point?

Why should this be added?:
- You reduce an unessesary workload on the entire application process. There's seriously no point in stage 1-4'ing applicants who have already proven capable. It's frustrating and discreditable to have to go through that process again. Not only is the whole proces time consuming on the PLPD's side; but it's simply difficult for some people to even make the time for the application process. By the time im able to re-apply for the role. I've invested hours into applying and my holiday period's over. Finally, you're not going to get any thought out applications anyway. I'm copying my old ones over every, single, time.


You can argue that you ensure the quality of TFU officers is upto standards, blablabla, but i could've AFK patrolled for 4 hours a month and nobody would notice. You don't measure quality and knowledge by someone's hour count.

- By removing inactive players from their roles, which are already a lenghty and annoying bureaucratic path to get to, you do not encourage them to return to the server.

What negatives could this have?:
- Not really anything.

I want to tackle a few things aswell that i expect are possible responses:

- You can just make a leave of absense, or contact your line manager/command/xyz
Why is it anyone's business what i'm doing or not doing that causes me to not play? If i'm busy, im busy. The thought of: "Oh i need to submit a Leave of absense on this virtual police department's little website that changes absolutely nothing for me, the department or the game i play with" is simply silly. Seriously ask yourself the question what the gain from that is?

- You should just accept the policy!
Take a deep breath. You're playing a game. But besides, I'm not aware of most policies. It's unhealthy if you are. policy in the PD is spread out over 5 different pages, in three different styles, including the mailbox in PLPD online and is written in a way where you're giving non-native speakers seizures . It's all over the place and half the policy do not contribute to a more enjoyable server anyway.
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The only activity requirements I set are for command members so generally anyone SSGT+ for a minimum of four hours per calendar month. I think this is reasonable and ensures that people see high ranking officers on duty.

As for TFU activity, I believe there is an ongoing discussion on what the number of hours should be. I’ll get Benji who is the Head of TFU to respond to this thread as the activity policy was created by TFU Command. We recently reverted a few demotions as the policy wasn’t approved through the appropriate channels.
Completely agree with you Sneaky, I've been through the TFU application process multiple times due to inactivity. What is the point in redoing the application if you've been playing the damn server for 7+ years and have been in the PD since the whitelist began. For those of us who used to play everyday - we grew up, started careers and families and our activity levels plummeted. It doesn't mean we don't know how to conduct ourselves as a virtual copper, the bureaucracy only serves to discourage veteran players from ever returning.
In regards to "4 hours a month" This was ammended per request of PSD, and now sits at a more reasonable 2 hours. As such I personally ammended all infractions given to anyone who met the previous activity requirement. If you haven't gotten your rank back, you didn't meet the previous requirement. If anyone has been missed, Contact me as soon as possible.

The Tactical Firearms Unit is the only division to have implemented an Activity Policy of 2 hours a month, Which is entirely bypassable by use of inactivity notices, LOA, or Resignations if activity is going to be a long term issue, during which we will reinstate you usually no problem. Due to the proactivity of our division in terms of maintaining a consistent environment of active members, It is paramount that we ensure everyone within TFU is making an active prescence on duty. Even if you're just a normal cop for 2 hours a month or even dispatch, this all counts. To alot of people, particularly Cop players, and players with less capability of self defense, the Tactical Firearms Unit remains their only real line of simply being able to exist and make money.

The game changes, TFU Policies change, the handbook is regularly updated with relevant information offering an SOP for operations. It is important that you remain informed on changes. Returning players upon the EOD Update allowing TFU to perform controlled explosions and having no clue on what they should actually do serves as a keen reminder on the importance of TFO's staying in the loop.

As for the screenshots, care to elaborate on the relevancy of those? I don't see any. If you're referring to the length of time it takes to become a TFO, its still by a considerable margin far shorter than when we had application cycles.

I was given a task following feedback from our community survey a few years ago to counter a huge number of complaints given through the feedback form that TFO's were "Unprofessional and inactive". I'd like to think that my command team and I, Such as @Dom_ , @Bojing , @Max , @3izu and @TylerReadman1 worked wonders together with all our ideas pooled to ensure this is no longer an issue, but this requires constant proactivity to curb and this policy allows us to actively do so.

Just so you're aware we will be enforcing this policy as such, demonstated by this hastily made graph!:
Blank diagram.png
TL;DR for people who dont want to follow arrows, as well as other notes:
- People who barely scratch hitting 2 hours will be ignored entirely.
- Officers will need to maintain 3 months of inactivity to be considered for removal.
- Inactivity notices should be used if you are unable to play for a considerable amount of time.

TL;DR: Our goal is to ensure officers representing the Tactical Firearms Unit remain active for at least 2 hours a month to ensure they are still present and aware of the game, up to date with changes, Kept up to date in skill and knowledge and overall to keep an active prescence somewhat within the PD. Allowing people to remain in TFU with no real commitment beyond actually playing the game sometimes and following policies is absolutely reasonable.
Completely agree with you Sneaky, I've been through the TFU application process multiple times due to inactivity. What is the point in redoing the application if you've been playing the damn server for 7+ years and have been in the PD since the whitelist began. For those of us who used to play everyday - we grew up, started careers and families and our activity levels plummeted. It doesn't mean we don't know how to conduct ourselves as a virtual copper, the bureaucracy only serves to discourage veteran players from ever returning.
Very well said @Jimmy The one hour i have at the end of the night where i would be able to play, i'm not gonna spam the server until i get a slot. That doesn't mean i make a LOA or inactivity notice. It's just not really a thing you think(and should think) about.

The game changes, TFU Policies change, the handbook is regularly updated with relevant information offering an SOP for operations. It is important that you remain informed on changes.
But if i make an inactivity notice everything is fine? Or just AFK camera dispatch for two hours? I'd flow right through your algorithm. I seriously don't understand the obsession with inactivity notices and i've never understood why they're a thing. The virtual HR department is sickening.

As for the screenshots, care to elaborate on the relevancy of those? I don't see any. If you're referring to the length of time it takes to become a TFO, its still by a considerable margin far shorter than when we had application cycles.
If the workload is already high for TFU trainers, and applicants have to wait long, why should you raise that workload knowing those candidates are already compitent?

If this is how you enforce the policy how come i an others did not receive an informal inbox, or an activity warning? Despite being inactive i do occasionaly log into plpd.online and seeing no inbox notifications gives me the impression there's nothing expected from me. That's out of line with the precedure as you've described it in the cart, out of line how the division has done it before and out of line with how other departments in the PLPD operate, and i think that's a bit unjust.

Allowing people to remain in TFU with no real commitment beyond actually playing the game sometimes and following policies is absolutely reasonable.
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If this is how you enforce the policy how come i an others did not receive an informal inbox, or an activity warning?
I am not discussing circumstances of your demotion specifically in public but I will explain to you the situation in general.

Upon realisation of an error with the policy update, I reverted all given punishments, if they met the previous activity requirement. I also enforced this as if the previous policy, one that existed before you reinstated, was broken. People who didn’t play TFU for months on end would see their rank revoked as the previous idea was to ensure people actively use TFU gear and this was how I chose to enforce it.

Rather than limit our activity requirement solely to TFU, we figured that, for the better of the PD, that we instead enforce general officer activity amongst whitelisted TFOs. You can get your 2 hours a month on any Police role now, making this process easier. And to most people, this isn’t a problem. The demotion process for inactive TFO’s will at most take 1 month less, only for extreme cases, but to most it will be a 3 month process as before, except now we are being more proactive in enforcing this and ensuring inactive officers are notified of their inactivity being seen as below expected standard.

I just don’t see how this is really cause for concern or should change at all seeing as the only difference we’re making is just having a process for TFO inactivity removal rather than 3 months no shows being wiped off the face of the Division like a slate.
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Completely agree with @Sneaky. It's a game. The application processes are lengthy. Unless someone underperforms, they should keep their acquired role.

Especially on all roles that don't require engagement, unlike trainers and CPL+.

It's a game. If a player wishes to take a 6 month break without notice, he should not be stripped from his roles. Especially when removing them from the role literally does nothing, except prolongs the application process for everyone else who wants to join afterwards, when this player returns.

We should really focus more on real life mental health, not just think of the PD as an actual job.
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It's a game. If a player wishes to take a 6 month break without notice, he should not be stripped from his roles. Especially when removing them from the role literally does nothing, except prolongs the application process for everyone else who wants to join afterwards, when this player returns.
If you’re disappearing for 6 months and you don’t decide to resign from specialist roles with activity requirements beforehand you’ve set yourself up
If you’re disappearing for 6 months and you don’t decide to resign from specialist roles with activity requirements beforehand you’ve set yourself up
Yes and I am saying, I don't see a need for activity requirements. Meaning you can come and go as you please.
Completely agree with @Sneaky. It's a game. The application processes are lengthy. Unless someone underperforms, they should keep their acquired role.

Especially on all roles that don't require engagement, unlike trainers and CPL+.

It's a game. If a player wishes to take a 6 month break without notice, he should not be stripped from his roles. Especially when removing them from the role literally does nothing, except prolongs the application process for everyone else who wants to join afterwards, when this player returns.

We should really focus more on real life mental health, not just think of the PD as an actual job.

If anyone cares enough about their role then making an inactivity notice which takes 2 seconds isn't really asking for much. 2 hours a month is fuck all and if anyone cares enough to reply to this thread then they probably don't have an issue meeting these requirements. The requirements are there due to our quality control system whereby each officer has their own profile and is monitored and reviewed by the TFTOs. The application process for TFU isn't hard, it just takes a while to get a session organized in most cases but @3izu has been doing a great job at getting 1 session completed a week at the very least.

2 hours of on-duty time is not an issue for most people, and if it is then simply reapply if you get demoted, im sure you won't be sat in the PD lobby waiting for your stage 3 if you couldn't even get 2 hours in an entire month.

As for your comment about mental health. If mental health is an issue for anyone then I'd suggest steering clear of perpheads for a while in general, not trying to get activity requirements changed.
Completely agree with you Sneaky, I've been through the TFU application process multiple times due to inactivity. What is the point in redoing the application if you've been playing the damn server for 7+ years and have been in the PD since the whitelist began. For those of us who used to play everyday - we grew up, started careers and families and our activity levels plummeted. It doesn't mean we don't know how to conduct ourselves as a virtual copper, the bureaucracy only serves to discourage veteran players from ever returning.

This isn't untrue but for a lot of people this isn't the case especially with the server gaining a lot more players in the last year. In a case like yours, I can understand perfectly what you mean, and yes it's frustrating but we can't treat you differently. The requirements and quality control measures are there for a reason although the reasons they were introduced may not apply to everyone.
It's simply down to this, if you care about your role, make an inactivity notice when you go inactive, or resign and get reinstated, it really isn't difficult.
There is over 700 hours in a month if you can’t jump on for 2 hours during that time it’s your own fault
But if i make an inactivity notice everything is fine? Or just AFK camera dispatch for two hours? I'd flow right through your algorithm. I seriously don't understand the obsession with inactivity notices and i've never understood why they're a thing. The virtual HR department is sickening.
To say that you're "Bypassing our algorhythm" by playing a police role and monitoring CCTV as expected from dispatchers is like saying you're bypassing paying taxes by paying the government the tax money you owe them. If you can find the time to play a cop role and perform your duties at all then the objective of the policy is complete. But of course, Again, if you're claiming you can just simply afk on a cop job and get away with it, especially with a community so vindictive on AFK Cops, Then you're either lying or incredibly optimistic. If you afk as dispatcher you'll last 20 minutes tops before people realise that no one is assigning them calls.

As for "obsession with inactivity notices" and your lack of understanding of them and their existence shows that you haven't really put much thought into it. Inactivity Notices allows people both of supervisory and administrative status, as well as officers who have responsibilities such as undergoing performance reviews to let their command team know formally, in a manner rectified by PLPD policy that they aren't going to be able to perform their expected duties or be able to undergo any sort of review for the time being. You also don't need a concise reason or excuse for making an inactivity notice.

That being said: I will review the policy and if clarification regarding having to utilise the inactivity notice function and reword it to clarify inactivity can be declared via helpdesk or PLPD online inbox. I have just approved an officers absence from this as they utilised the helpdesk to inform me. I have submitted a message to PSD about this ammendment and I will be awaiting their response.

If the workload is already high for TFU trainers, and applicants have to wait long, why should you raise that workload knowing those candidates are already compitent?
Think you'll find that application response times aren't unreasonable, Anything not marked by PLPD AI always took time to do. Simply put. Theres a stark difference between someone complaining about something, and that thing being unreasonbale. The ability to get to a position where applying for TFU is possible is achievable fast with not so much effort, and you need to do more to lose that position than gain it. This is the case with all divisions in the PD, and rejoining TFU doesn't take an unreasonable amount of time to justify not removing people for inactivity because it will hamper recruitment speed, because again, most people removed for inactivity are too inactive to find the time to reapply in the near future.

As for "knowing the applicant is already competent", This is also a poor view of the situation, I've seen ex TFTO's and ex TFO's who were in it before I was fail at the most mundane tasks. The longer you spend away from the game the less likely you are to retain skill. I've witnessed this personally many times.
Yes and I am saying, I don't see a need for activity requirements. Meaning you can come and go as you please.
With our supervised patrol scheme you'll be removed for inactivity regardless, which you should be entirely aware of as a trainer, so again, an activity requirement exists to streamline this process. Activity Policy or not, Inactive TFO's would be removed due to our supervised patrol scheme, I would rather ensure people are removed before they hinder that process. This has been the case for almost 2 years.

Heads of divisions are allowed to set individual activity requirements for their specialist roles. As @Bnjemann has said above, officers will need to maintain 3 months of inactivity to be considered for removal. You can resign from roles, then get reinstated in the future if you plan on not planning for an extended period of time.
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