Furio/Auston funny moments/montage

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I'm looking to make a funny moments/montage of Furio/Auston. I have a few clips of him either shitting on people or saying hilarious stuff, or both. But I don't have enough. Was hoping the PERP community could send any clips related to that (Furio either shitting on people or being funny) so we can bring some spotlight to our beloved TFU.

Also, @Auston, I should probably ask, are you cool with this?

Once it's made I can put it into player showcase in discord and tag you ^ will shoutout anyone that sent clips at the end of the vid.
I'm looking to make a funny moments/montage of Furio/Auston. I have a few clips of him either shitting on people or saying hilarious stuff, or both. But I don't have enough. Was hoping the PERP community could send any clips related to that (Furio either shitting on people or being funny) so we can bring some spotlight to our beloved TFU.

Also, @Auston, I should probably ask, are you cool with this?

Once it's made I can put it into player showcase in discord and tag you ^ will shoutout anyone that sent clips at the end of the vid.
Also curious if anyone has thinks it'd be even better to make the montage about TFU in general? Like i said either goated plays or funny moments, but would probably be a better video if it was any TFU, furios just my favorite TFU an also the only one I have clips of.
Also curious if anyone has thinks it'd be even better to make the montage about TFU in general? Like i said either goated plays or funny moments, but would probably be a better video if it was any TFU, furios just my favorite TFU an also the only one I have clips of.
Give feedback, and of course I appreciate any clips sent in. I imagine if I have 3 separate clips of my own there's gotta be a good handful of them out there.