Gambling Shop Scams

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Hello, it has come to my attention that a lot of people have been using gambling shops as a scamming method wrongly, you may do this as long as it is done realistically. I just wanted to say that it is not a valid method to take someone's money then immediately run to the ATM machine and deposit it. This must be done through a more realistic method and will be enforced as 2.1 Play Realistically.

Some people have been confusing this with 2.5 Excessive Negativity when really it is not excessive to scam someone and can be dealt with in character with the police so long as it is done realistically and not put into an ATM immediately.

When scamming someone you should not scam them for small amounts like $2,000 for example, considering your bazaar shop would be worth around $2,000 and you would have to abandon it for legal reasons, it would be more appropriate to scam someone of $10,000-$50,000+ as then you have made profit even after abandoning your shop. The reason why you would have to abandon your shop is that it is linked with the police database and the bank meaning they can find out your name and get a warrant on you for the scam. It would be worth going on the run significantly more if you had scammed a larger sum of money. If you scam someone of a lower amount of money you could be breaching 3.4 Risking your life and 2.1 Play Realistically. As the negatives outweigh the benefits of the scam.

TL;DR - Do not scam people then immediately put the money in an ATM.
How exactly are people scamming? Just curious as far as I know people are simply roll gambling?
How exactly are people scamming? Just curious as far as I know people are simply roll gambling?
For example, someone had deposited £50,000 into the casino, after doing a /roll he was promised triple the money, however the scammer decided he didn't want to pay up the promised £150,000 (50k x3) and instead ran straight to the ATM, deposited the money and refused to give it back.
I agree, not very realistic to scam someone if you own a shop in your name on a public plot. If your shop name says "Ryders Gambling!" or something as that sort it is a LEGIT gambling shop made for legit bets. That's like wal-mart selling a single gatorade for 7 bucks. It isn't realistic at all.
I really do not see the problem, you as a person should be much more careful with your money and who you gamble with, if you go up to someone who you haven't spoken to before like a week ago then sure don't drop your money he's probably going to grab it all, if it's someone who You've known since you started playing why don't you just go in with your cash
Listen up, people should be more careful with there money, if they want to use some backstreet method of gaining a bit of extra cash let them. If you want to argue about realism why do we have money? in real life its not like you're going to carry round all that money on you with a fat kilo weight? might as well start using the mobile banking app if you're moaning about realism.
I don't agree with this at all, sounds like you are just making it easy for people that lose their money to get it back. For all the person knows the guy is going to the atm to get out the money he owes him. For example if I had just bet 50k and rolled for example 69, if I was promised to double that the dealer could go to the atm and put it in the bank then leave. Nothing prevents that. I get the small amounts of money part, but the running to a ATM is perfectly fine IMO and I don't see how realistically you would not do it, saying that they would probably kill you or something because they are in a gang or some sort of criminal isn't really a reason. Most of the playerbase comes under criminal or in some sort of gang.

Don't want to lose your money? Don't Gamble.
Had a few people ask me about 3.26 when it comes to people swiping money off the desk. You can always do this, because there is an in-game mechanic (Animation) for picking up items, which means there is no need for a /me, the robber must then escape and may only deposit the money when safe to do so (I advise not using the ATMs in the business district) as to not break 2.1, they should also ensure that they follow 3.4 by not going for someone that has a heavy weapon on their back.

As Tyla said; 2.5 doesn't come into this because scamming (As much of a dick move as it is) is not against server rules. (Scamming is acceptable ICly only, scamming OOCly will lead to a lengthy ban)
Although it's stupid to interpret rules differently to make up for the lack of other players' social intelligence, some of this makes sense but it's still going to end up being a huge shit show. I suppose keeping it the same still didn't teach people valuable life lessons on trust.
If you give a stranger 50.000 that says he can triple your money within seconds you do not deserve that 50.000
Simple as that.

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