Game stuttering

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@nutrient10 , last time i had this problem you helped me with, i saw a few people having this issue with the fonts it effects their gameplay when they in a shootout too they experience stutters same as when looking at doors to see if property is owned or not, is that possible to link the thing you linked me before to help other people with this i'll show them this thread.


This is what I sent you last time to put in your addons folder and told you to unsubscribe to and delete content packs 4, 9 and 13, however, this was from February 2019 so there was an update to content pack 13 since I uploaded this

If you want to try to extract content pack 13 yourself download this to extract the .gma file in your addons folder, then find any fonts and delete them all, I believe it should just resort back to any preinstalled fonts you have. After you've extracted the addon and removed any fonts, place the folder in your addons folder and you should be good to go if you've done it all correctly

Make sure you unsubscribe to these particular addons afterwards and delete...

This is what I sent you last time to put in your addons folder and told you to unsubscribe to and delete content packs 4, 9 and 13, however, this was from February 2019 so there was an update to content pack 13 since I uploaded this

If you want to try to extract content pack 13 yourself download this to extract the .gma file in your addons folder, then find any fonts and delete them all, I believe it should just resort back to any preinstalled fonts you have. After you've extracted the addon and removed any fonts, place the folder in your addons folder and you should be good to go if you've done it all correctly

Make sure you unsubscribe to these particular addons afterwards and delete the .gma files from your addons folder if they're still there, feel free to PM me if you need more assistance
I had a few issues with this as well. I unsubscribed from the following:
Paralake V2, (Also any of the .bsp add-ons they had)
Paralake V3
Paralake V1
I then didn't receive anymore stuttering. @SpaceShots can confirm that this also worked for him.

This is what I sent you last time to put in your addons folder and told you to unsubscribe to and delete content packs 4, 9 and 13, however, this was from February 2019 so there was an update to content pack 13 since I uploaded this

If you want to try to extract content pack 13 yourself download this to extract the .gma file in your addons folder, then find any fonts and delete them all, I believe it should just resort back to any preinstalled fonts you have. After you've extracted the addon and removed any fonts, place the folder in your addons folder and you should be good to go if you've done it all correctly

Make sure you unsubscribe to these particular addons afterwards and delete the .gma files from your addons folder if they're still there, feel free to PM me if you need more assistance
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