Garrys mod Pinkish Screen

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My House
I don't know how to explain this but, there is a night when I decided to join other servers than perp and I downloaded some add-ons but I uninstalled them all after that. the next day I joined the perpheads server but the weather become pinker?
I know what you would be asking? did you check the monitor if you had changed the RGB, no I didn't? I don't know...
I tested and joined singleplayer like gm_flatgrass but the color of the screen is normal and not like that other one in perpheads . plz help xD
Disable color correction in the advanced video settings to get rid of the blue (pink?) hue. If that doesn't help then your eyes are fucked.
That seems to just be normal for myself and many other people? Check the post on your phone and see if it looks the same, if so then it is probably just you thinking its different xd
Disable color correction in the advanced video settings to get rid of the blue (pink?) hue. If that doesn't help then your eyes are fucked.
Thanks, Creepis , you saved me from being humiliated by these people, I thought my eyes are fucked up for a while cuz everyone disagree about the pink color
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