GeForce now

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hey guys I am a Mac OSX gamer and I can't really play games with my friends because some shit runs poorly ok. If anyone has GeForce now and would like to let me use it if possible that'd be great thanks, I want to play fortnite with my friends.

thank u again
This nibba has to wait about a minute for buildings to load in fortnite, I myself think we should put his poor soul down but I guess this is a viable option.
This nibba has to wait about a minute for buildings to load in fortnite, I myself think we should put his poor soul down but I guess this is a viable option.

Our poor son, has to game on a macbook. Our taxes are too high we can't pay them or the hungarian immigrants working on our wall!
One of my classmates got it after about 2 weeks, I believe

They add people every week so I assumed it'd take a few weeks for me to get however that is a lot because I have nothing to do while im home yk? If im playing sports or hanging out with friends it's all fun until I get home and have to play games with like 30 fps lol
I've made a scientific comparison so that the perp community can understand his struggle.

Since im a professional Low end gamer.

I Suggest you to look for FPS boost videos on youtube. Watch out some of them dont help or are fake if you look for a general FPS boost those never help but if you as example type the game name and FPS boost at the end you get pretty helpfull videos how to boost FPS but having to sacrafice good grapics.

Hey atleast you can play the game :)

I Suggest you this youtube aswell he specifies on Low end:

His videos are really helpfully
Since im a professional Low end gamer.

I Suggest you to look for FPS boost videos on youtube. Watch out some of them dont help or are fake if you look for a general FPS boost those never help but if you as example type the game name and FPS boost at the end you get pretty helpfull videos how to boost FPS but having to sacrafice good grapics.

Hey atleast you can play the game :)

I Suggest you this youtube aswell he specifies on Low end:

His videos are really helpfully

bro literally I get like 8 fps max
bro literally I get like 8 fps max
Hey be happy that you can alteast join a match.

My Game crashes in the loading screen :/ in fortnite.
I have like a 200 Euro worth grapics card wich could easy run fortnite but i have a
probaly 20-30 euro CPU wich cant run fortnite :/
Hey be happy that you can alteast join a match.

My Game crashes in the loading screen :/ in fortnite.
I have like a 200 Euro worth grapics card wich could easy run fortnite but i have a
probaly 20-30 euro CPU wich cant run fortnite :/
no care about you it's all about aquaa stupid