Getting out of the car from other doors.

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Topic: Getting out of the car from other doors.

Short explanation:
-Being able to get out from all/some of the doors.

Detailed description:
Now you can only leave a car from the door right next to you, meaning that if you were the driver and your car got wrecked or you had no fuel and you stopped near a wall where you cant open your door you are stuck there. Then you call either roadcrew or you report it. But what if there was no roadcrew and no mods on and you were on a roleplay situation? You would be left there. Here is an example: C+ was getting raided by the cops and I thought I would help them. I ran over a firefighter and a cop and my car got wrecked while I had a wall on my right. I couldnt get out and there were plenty of cops around. I quickly reported it and thanks to the kind mod that got me out of the car I didn't die. If that mod didn't respond though I would be left there, watching the cop being revived to arrest me.

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@LEWIS 088 this is more than possible.

The main reason we haven't done this kind of thing already I guess you could call it laziness but it's more of a massive time sink. Having over 110 vehicles at present is nice for the variety, but seriously annoying for changes like this. While it may seem simple that you just get out a different seat, I would prefer we only have you get out doors that are reasonable. If the car is a right hand drive 4 door, it doesn't seem reasonable to me to then exit through the back left door, rather only the driver's side door or passenger's.

However there are other questions that could be raised about this, like should they freely climb over other passengers. This does already happen to some extent with 2 door cars.

Anyways 110+ cars, 5 minutes each or so... 550 minutes ish = 9 hours 10 minutes, how fun. :tuna: So yea... Like I said maybe lazy but also just so much time on just that. I do know it is needed as the single exit doesn't cut it. I guess you could call it accepted though.
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