GG bank robbery fail

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Freak Alexa Gold
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124327791
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4
Evidence (Demo Required):

After me and Raxces successfully robbed the bank 2 vs 13 or 14 cops on duty we had a clear exit with no cops spiking at the intersection. It was going great until a sweater decided to try what looks to be intentionally run over by a hummer. As the hummer is trying to go around gets sidewiped and that in turns causes said sweater to fall over and get run over by me. The sweater dc'ed while on red screen

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I was the cop that ran ya over, and it seemed like she was only trying to get on the sidewalk, i wouldnt say its a rulebreak.
Oh? Post your POV then? Because from my POV it looks like the sweater is minging in front of the hummer and the hummer is actually trying to get around said sweater
ive got about 14hrs gameplay from today, il send u all my demos if u wanna look for it haha

Additional footage for your entertainment, used lua scripts to get around the no drive option while in car.

As you can see the person minged on the road to simply block the hummer while bank robbery was going on, as the hummer tries to get around suicides into said hummer just what i thought what happened.

After we spoke with @Racxes we believe a refund request should not be made for the bank money. This is due to the fact that we don't know if you would manage to escape or not even if this situation did not occur.

The player will be spoken to. He is quite new and most likely does not understand the rules

@GraveDinosaur & @Gimic
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