This is Final post of GOOC Charity fundraiser.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC, Polish Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is the biggest, non-govermental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland raising money for pediatric and elderly care.The GOOC Foundation holds American Heart Association certification to provide courses in CPR and AED, and for the use of high technology for medical lifesaving. The GOCC aims to support health care in Poland by purchase of state of the art medical equipment for Polish hospitals and clinics and by establishing and running six medical programmes and one educational programme. The foundation is working by gathering donations via online or via many volontiers.
We managed to raise `620$ thanks to all that part in this fundraiser. For promised proof below I m adding screenshot of given payment.
Big Thank you for @Efan for supporting this idea, @lencz for helping me with banners & finding player that I can give away money @Chris Flynn for making me broke by donating 3mil.
As biggest donators are (look @Chris Flynn @karoliukas @lencz please DM me to recive your biggest donator rewards.

I hope this will land me in Community Spotlight lol
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC, Polish Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is the biggest, non-govermental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland raising money for pediatric and elderly care.The GOOC Foundation holds American Heart Association certification to provide courses in CPR and AED, and for the use of high technology for medical lifesaving. The GOCC aims to support health care in Poland by purchase of state of the art medical equipment for Polish hospitals and clinics and by establishing and running six medical programmes and one educational programme. The foundation is working by gathering donations via online or via many volontiers.
We managed to raise `620$ thanks to all that part in this fundraiser. For promised proof below I m adding screenshot of given payment.
Big Thank you for @Efan for supporting this idea, @lencz for helping me with banners & finding player that I can give away money @Chris Flynn for making me broke by donating 3mil.
As biggest donators are (look @Chris Flynn @karoliukas @lencz please DM me to recive your biggest donator rewards.

I hope this will land me in Community Spotlight lol