Good bye

Reaction score
Hello. I have been in this community for over 9 months now.
I have recived a lot of bans and warnings. Over that time I met some great people such as

@Sam - I remeber how we met. I sold you vip then after you called me and asked to help on a raid. From there we became good friends. Thanks to Sam i met some other people. ( Can't be bothered naming)

@WilliamVamsti - You helped me when i was a young sweater. You and @Fluffy gave me a remmington shot gun and told me to defend your hungries base while you did some shit. It was fun because you put a documentry on for me while i defended.

@TheVin - Thank you for showing me to this community.

@John Daymon - You can't raid me now!

@Bertie - You were a good friend and i will not forget you. I hope you see you again for my 100k you still owe me.

@Adrish - You were a good friend aswell i won't forget the time when i joined your org for about an hour or two. XD

@LEWIS 088 - Please don't sprinkle salt on my props while i am gone.

@ItsAquaaHD - You still owe me 700k. But i won't forget that time we went on our little betting spree XD i gave you a knife... U still owe me one.

@TheBoss2015 - I guess your not getting your 600k. Lmao enjoy perp while you can.
Sorry if i forgot anyone

It has been a good time on perp i learned some things and i enjoyed my time here. But now i have a 1 year ban i don't think i will be back soon. So enjoy the server without my autium for a year.

I don't think i will appeal. I feel like i just need a break from perp. But now i gotta go because my csgo streaming career. I will be streaming more but I don't think any of you will watch. Well this is good bye.
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Goodbye Oskar, even though I never really liked you (sorry) it's sad to see another perp member go, good luck in life Oskar, hope everything turns out good for you.
It will be very strange not having you around man, you are a great mate and we will still play other games together :)
Goodbye mate look after yourself and i will see you in a years time if you choose to come back to us when you are unbanned.

Good luck for what ever life as in store for you.
Goodbye, never really got to see you in action (nor do I think I ever got your IC name.) maybe it could have been a start of something good?
Holy shit. Last night when you where banned it was a one week ban, and it has been changed to a year ban. You've been a great friend on PERP and on everything else sad to see you leave like this...
Oskar i remeber meeting you with Zac and all the funny time growing for Micky Carson at Projex. Im John Hermandez btw, used to have a black range rover. I will miss you but please appeal...
best streamer of the community rip. Drafaxo had nothing on him :(
Have a good one oskar, sorry for the ak shipment
I also forgot 1 other person and his name is @Emperor Shaun - He was the best and friendliest mod I knew. Thanks Shaun for helping me!
Sad that you're leaving hope we can play rainbow six while you're taking a break.
Bye, sad to see you leave. Wait a month or two and then do an appeal silly.
When I first saw this I felt 3 emotions :rage: I WONT GET MY 600k :laughcry: This is just a joke Right... Right... And Finally :( He's Really flipping gone, Well Sh*t who the hell can I play with now.... Then I just thought there is nothing better to do than this..... :banghead:
While i was gone from perp i did this