Goodbye <3

Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
This time it's not for the ratings I swear :kappa:

~I'll to keep this as short as Youseff's thread, or not~

I've decided to step down from my Administration position (not the first time haHAA) as for the simple reason that we lose interest or we have to dedicate our time to something else. In this case it's both for me. I have to put my time into my apprenticeship and more time into my Tyler1 transformation at the gym which would leave me with almost no more time left for Administration work. My report count hasn't been looking all to nice but atleast I got green recently, I simply have put too much time into the community (6 months of playtime wtf help) that I'm getting to the point that even staff work gets too linear for me. Respond to report, deal with that, warn or ban them if necessary, try to keep a good report count blah blah, it wasn't possible for me to keep up to that standard. I simply lost all my motivation with the time I spent here.

Since my last thread was perma deleted (lolrip) I'd like to thank you guys again for being the community you are. You've changed a lot of people, one of them being me and I've changed some others here and there.

Sorry to @Fredy, @MrLewis and @Bolli for having to put up with my shit. I may have lost all respect from you but I hope it can stay a thing in the past when we talk to each other again. I planned to do this back in April but delayed the inevitable by getting talked out of it and it was good to stay a little bit longer here, until September. Not like Blicky planned to do this aswell but screw it, you're good people, I'm the one to blame.

Thanks again. Smell you later.
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Right, you're going offline skid.

Sad to see you go, big ups to Creepy Piss - Easily one of the best staff members and its a shame to see the only staff members I get on with resign.

L8r kid, enjoy ddos.
Thank you Creepis for all your time before and after ur little break! Good luck with training and so transforming urself into a beast Furki.
You are and will always be one of the best!
Hope to see you on steam!
U may have not known me except for me shit posting ur steam profile, but u was one of my best staff ;(

now please revoke this because you are a great staff member :(
Creepis, You were and always will be one of the kindest and loving staff members. Some might see you as a bit of a minge but I see you as a friend and a loving person. Sad to see you go.:( Love you babs <3
that's it, you're going offline creepis.

no but seriously, you we're a great staff member, and also a very nice guy, sad to see another one resign...
Give it a few hours and he will be back.

On the serious side, sad to see you go. Will miss you
Best of luck with your apprenticeship buddy, apart from the one spat we had a very long time I have always valued you as a very strong member of the staff team and it will be a great loss for them no doubt. Hope to see you around.
Who's SLS am I going to steal now and crash at 100mph?

Jokes aside you were a good staff member imo, never had any issues with you in game or the community and you were pretty helpful.

Gl in your apprenticeship and turning into VeganGains :booty:
the day creepis resigned

the average F1 amount per staff member remained exactly the same

1 zing = 1 friendly