GoodBye for now.

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Hello I guess, this thread is just for people for actually care that I play the server so if you are going to fill this thread with toxicity then please go away.

I am leaving perp for perhaps over 3 months for a couple of reasons, the first reason is that I am a bit tired of perp, I mean, the only way to make money with profit is drugs, but when I try to grow for at least 5 minutes, the same people raid me which makes it impossible for me, and I can't be a cop so il just wait till I can apply. Hopefully at least some more jobs get added by the time I get back.

Second reason is that at 26th I am flying to Ukraine for the summer and will only come back somewhere in September or around that. I'l make sure to be on the forums tho.

So anyways, good luck on everything to you guys, I will come back to perp as a 13 year old xD.

The list of cool people:
@ShadowJoey - Always nice people and a cool person to talk to.
@Blicky - When I struggled with money, Helped me by letting me grow with him.
@WhiteTiger - We always base together since we met, a chill guy.
@Jazz™ - A cool guy to talk to, always chill and likes jazz.
@Generic Twat - We had a beef before but we started talking sometimes and he seems like a nice guy
@Cody Garrett - A nice guy to chill with.
@Enel - Fun to chill with and talk with.
@Blue Cool dude to base with
@Glacial_Subzero - Says i'm salty :(
@Col. Collier - A cool dude, nice to talk to and very chill.
@ErmakDimon - Fun to play rainbow six with,he calls me old.
@Super_ and @atomic_wizard , Always chill guys and fun to talk with, Hope you get enforcer guys xd
@Shokron13 He lat me grow with penguins when I had no money at all, Supplied me with pots and seeds then, chill dude.
@Madlyn Beasly hates me and wants to kill me :D

Sorry if I forgot anyone (Even tho no one gives a fuck)

So yeah, see you next week.

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I am actually pretty down because of this, you were a legit good lad and tried to make everyone have as much fun. If you don't wanna get raided as easily, you can come join my org, we've got allies and want to make everyone's time on perp as fun as we can. Come join me in September :D
Where's my tag my dude? :'( Joking. Hope you enjoy your holiday in the summer and we'll see ya in September my dude ;)
Don't know if you remember me but we played a lot together during march and we
grew together quite a bit. I'm sad to see you go. I hope you keep posting YouTube content from time to time as personally I find it enjoyable. Good luck to yuh mate.
Saw you around we even played as swat ages ago and u were always showing off with those shooting skills, i felt sad
Bye mate, only based with you for like 4 hours until we got back-stabbed. Nice basing with you.
i remember that one time when we raided you with like 7 people,you had 24k on u and we had to split it between all of the raiders lmao
uh do I know you? Cya I guess
I think he meant to tag ''Blue'' (Steam name J.Walker) he probably thought its him
Well, I just wanted to announce it for any confusion IG but I decided that for the remaining 8 days before the flight, I'l play on perp a bit and have fun. So prepare your doors ..

My friends miss too so..
Take care of yourself mate, hope to see you again on the server :)
[DOUBLEPOST=1498078194,1498078112][/DOUBLEPOST]Banned RIP

Mega im active lol my playtime is one week and i think its one week and 3 days right now: i cant check how many days just guessing
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