Goodbye for now...

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Fife, Scotland
I'm afraid you all may not see me on the server much in the next few days/weeks.
You see, today my dog (companion and loved pet of 5 years) attacked our new kitten, viciously and was very near seriously injuring her.

My dog has always been very cautious of other animals and especially dogs, but when food came into this, she could be considered rabid. This is mainly due to traumatic experience at a young age and the fact that she was born in a very unloving, and survival-of-the-fittest like environment (a run-down farm that threw food into a cage of puppies and watched them fight just to get enough food to eat, it was barbaric.

Both me and my family were anticipating this for a long time (as incidents have happened in the past), but it is still a very shocking, depressing and distressing situation for me and my emotions... Over 5 years of love and care of this beautiful animal, gone over a PIECE OF FUCKING BREAD...

Whether it is clear or not, I am wrecked emotionally beyond description, and with this going on, my parents have been fighting in a manner they have never done before, a violent, intimidating way that I have never recognised before...

I Hope To See You All As Soon As I Feel I Have Recovered.
It's a shame to hear this, my dog like yours wasn't treated well as a puppy, she was abused and thrown around before we adopted her. She is also very cautious and aggressive around other animals, i also fear that one day she will do something similar to what's happened to you. I feel your pain, I hope that this gets sorted out soon and I hope to see you back ASAP. For now though, best of luck and goodbye.
Oh, man this is sad... Especially for a pet-lover like me.
I hope you get over it. And they can see you back sometime.
Be sure to take all the time you need.
Is the kitty okay?