

Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Without mentioning the ban apart from memers harrassing me in no clip taking pictures of me and others @Adrish using my own IA evidence against me. :( Then again people get away with taking money OOC to judge their IC actions.

Saying that i'll never be back is a lie, of course ill come back, I love the community and everyone in it no matter how much they ban me for. I understand the server lacks in numbers lately but that hasn't stopped me being on everyday to enjoy with the community.

Today I enrolled into college for my second year doing my A levels, I hope to go to university and understand the huge amount of work needed to go to be in the place I want to be.

Am i gutted about being banned? of course and the people I have let down with the amount of chances I've been given. Throughout my time in the community I've tried to be nothing but honest.

I'm going to miss the Police Department, and all the new people it's helped me meet after my resignation. @Samuel Thanks for the opportunity to work both in the Internal Affairs division and Professional Standards Department, without a doubt the best divisions there are. Over my time helping out with the administrative side of the PD I Investigated over 1/4 of the complaints made on PLPD.Online since January when the complaints section was released.
I hope @lelios1 and @b.flemming29 do the best with the PSD division, thanks to @Jordan and @AyJay even though I feel I've let you all down.
I was never a role model or a good leader. I see myself as an arrogant person even though, I worked hard and all I wanted is to enjoy on the server. I consistently put my self in the position where rules could be broken, and have never stopped doing this. I will be on forums and ts as always.

Goodbye for now lads.
Let me be the first guy to say .... See you in 3 months.
Stay Classy.
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I see myself as an arrogant person even though

Dai honestly, I didn't want to ban you. But the fact that you kept changing your story, denying everything and really being arrogant. I like that you've owned up to it and will really miss you.

I hope that when you come back you have a better mindset and be responsible for the actions that you take.
Will miss you big time, haven't known you the longest but your acceptance is the reason I still play today. Will see you around.
You are one of the greatest gays guys on the server, I hope you come back as soon as possible meanwhile good luck in your college and education, I hope you become what you want to be in the future
I will miss you bud, who am i going to sell my m4's and nades to then all the time? :(

I hope you come back it's always fun with you
Perp is gonna be so different without ur terrible Welsh sayings, gonna miss u bro, Don't get kicked out of college.

Can we get a rip for the guns he still hasn't crafted me
In a bit. The ban length is 'interesting' considering, i'd say why I feel this way but I know a specific staff member that would delete it.

You always had good intentions on the server, helped out new players and generally behaved appropriately considering this is a game.

#FreeDai bro
y no tag bro
I'm going to miss you Dai, I was surprised when I when on my "daily check of the bans" and saw your name. But on the other side, I'm glad that you have enrolled into Collage for A-Levels, I myself am going to college and I am literally shitting myself lmao. I hope to see you come back as I am sure you will. Cya soon Dai!
