Suggestion Title: Detailed XP Bar for F Chief/All Chiefs
Suggestion Description: Basically, A way to be able to keep track of how much of the Exact Percentage of XP Fire Chief's/ All Chiefs need to earn in order to advance or to Hold in Rank for #1 CFO, #2 DFCO Or #3 AFCO. / All Chiefs
Why should this be added?:
- So We as Fire Dept. or other Gov. Jobs Are able to keep better track of Exact Amount of XP In Order to Rank Up or Hold #1 Fire Chief or Any Chief Position for that Matter.
What negatives could this have?:
- None In My Own Opinion.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Not knowing What your current XP is as Chief Or How to Better track the amount of your XP for End Game Fire Fighter Chief/Police Chief/Paramedic Chief.
Suggestion Description: Basically, A way to be able to keep track of how much of the Exact Percentage of XP Fire Chief's/ All Chiefs need to earn in order to advance or to Hold in Rank for #1 CFO, #2 DFCO Or #3 AFCO. / All Chiefs
Why should this be added?:
- So We as Fire Dept. or other Gov. Jobs Are able to keep better track of Exact Amount of XP In Order to Rank Up or Hold #1 Fire Chief or Any Chief Position for that Matter.
What negatives could this have?:
- None In My Own Opinion.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Not knowing What your current XP is as Chief Or How to Better track the amount of your XP for End Game Fire Fighter Chief/Police Chief/Paramedic Chief.
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