Server Suggestion PLFD Buff

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Suggestion Title: PLFD Buff
Suggestion Description: The firefighter role currently suffers from low engagement compared to other emergency services. One of the biggest reasons is the low XP gain, which makes progression feel slow and unrewarding. To encourage more players to take on the role and actively respond to fires, I propose increasing the XP rewards for firefighting actions.

Extinguishing Fires (Increase) – Increase XP per fire put out to scale with fire size/difficulty. (I understand that there is a form of that going on, but buff it more)
Call Response Bonus (Increase) – Grant additional XP for responding to a fire within a certain time frame. (I read there was a bonus on the forums but increase it further)
Increase XP proportional to how many firefighters, so they receive equal and not loose chance for XP with more fire fighters on. OR give XP to firefighters who participate in putting fires out, and who are nearby so it's not a fight to who puts more of the fire out.

Why should this be added?:
Higher Engagement – More players would be encouraged to play firefighter, increasing role participation.
Balanced XP Distribution – Scaling XP based on firefighter count prevents competition and ensures fair rewards.
Faster Fire Response – Incentivizing quick response times means fires get handled more efficiently.
Encourages Teamwork – XP for all firefighters involved in extinguishing fires promotes cooperation instead of XP competition.
Makes the Role More Rewarding – Right now, the firefighter role feels less rewarding than other emergency services; this change would improve that.

What negatives could this have?:
XP Inflation – If XP buffs are too high, it could make ranking up too easy compared to other jobs.
Server Performance – More firefighting activity could increase the frequency of fire events, possibly affecting performance.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Personally the reason why I created this post was due to the amount of time and effort I've put into this role trying to 100% all the jobs and skills only for it to be resulted in small progress is disappointing. SOLO, with max influence and 1.5x Advanced training I put out a fire that took 7.5minutes and that spawn once every 5-10 minutes to only get 3% progression. At that rate if lucky I'd get 20% per hour consistently working SOLO. Which that increases per promotion. "Sometimes it takes 30 minutes for a new fire."

So generally, we get punished with more firefighters on, and don't make much progression which IMO results in low engagement and succession in the firefighter role. Of course there is still firefighters, but it's a role only few main and generally a quick beginner role no one finishes. My aim is to avoid this with XP buffs and updated engagement strategies.

I'd also like to mention that a large decrease in firefighter progression has happened since fuel cans being used for fires were removed. For the newer people, you use to be able to hit fuel cans with bats to explode them and burn bodies. Of course it isn't needed back in the city, but maybe XP buff could be reasoned with this.

Adding this as I'm progressing through fire fighter rank. Currently at Specialist rank and for two fires I put out on my own, I didn't even get 1% XP with 5 INFLUENCE and 1.5x Advanced Training activated. At that rate it'll take 30-40 hours to progress through this rank...

Additional Idea proposed by Dick Harris and Steve Phromkraft maybe for V6 have more missions for FF as current missions are (CPR, Fire) they suggested a water rescue where random NPC bodies get dropped in water and must be rescued. I personally think that the things mentioned above, can already be changed with the tools available for DEVs and not pull them from V6 but maybe some more FF in the future would be cool :)
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FD is literal slavery like crafting at bazzar over and over again is more fun these people who do it are deadass saints like irl. No disrespect but the design of PLFD is so bad like you can tell people wanted to add something and kinda put no initiative to it cause no one would do it so they just made it even more unplayable and cancerous.

I no life'd Paramedic to rank 3 in like a week, had plans to do it on FD right after as well, spent like 30 minutes on the job and peaced tf out expeditiously - fk that. Needs some functional gameplay improvements beyond simply EXP changes imo, but that's another thread for another day. I think the job has a lot potential tho :)
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I no life'd Paramedic to rank 3 in like a week, had plans to do it on FD right after as well, spent like 30 minutes on the job and peaced tf out expeditiously - fk that. Needs some functional gameplay improvements beyond simply EXP changes imo, but that's another thread for another day. I think the job has a lot potential tho :)
PLFD had potential but I think it was somin rather just lazily implemented cause it wasn't as impactful compared to plpd or even EMS so people just didn't bother I've done fireman before it can get fun but 90% of the time it's all useless and the extinguishing tools also feel very redundant at times. But like the axe could genuinely be good but when the average fire is literally spawned it's just useless and inefficient. I admire the development of perpheads however the fireman system feels so fulfilled with ineptitude that it just shouldn't be a thing, it's rather a bragging rights of "we got firefighters in hyper realistic gmod server" like ye that's cool and all but adding it and the most negligible features to it feels like genuine slavery and a waste of time like for example helping people is cool and all on perp but when it's more fun doing it as a charity that can be more unconventional than a shitty dressup with a axe and first aid kit it's not worth it at all.

Also gameplay as fireman is rather robotic like doing the same thing over and over again is useless and nowadays most fireman are used as wannabe EMS with the benefit of doing bare minimum, like who is gonna apply from a plpd broadcast or in general when your just treated like shit and there's no genuine incentive besides hauling a massive truck with no use like you could larp better as a makeshift group or makeshift feature similar to bodyguards or a service
I think this is a great idea. My suggestion is to multiply the exp you get by the number of active firefighters and add some extra exp when you give CPR.
XP sharing should exist and there has been no reason for denying this as a suggestion, you're a team not competitors. When job levelling first came out, I would not give a fuck about any safety/traffic law responding just so I could respond to a fire as quick as I could because if someone else is trying to grind it out too then good luck levelling up whilst having restricted time due to real life commitments on top of that

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