ÖfficeGang Holdings plc and its associated brands:
Eisenhammer Chamberlain Hill LLP, legal practitioners of Los Santos

Paralake Gambling Commission, the Paralake gambling regulator

ÖfficeGang of Rail and Road, the Minecraft Create Mod railway regulator

Bloody Rapscallion Lodge, sponsors of Los Santos UwU Café

Do hereby declare a rivalry and henceforth WAR against Grow Inc as per the following Casus Belli:
you guy are cheeks at perpheads
Failure to accept the rivalry declaration does not preclude you from getting de_stroyed
Dutifully signed,
@Collier - Head of ÖfficeGang
@Acerius - Special Adviser to the Head Administrator
@Murtsley - General Counsel
@Dank - Director General of BEANS
@Dave - Procurer of Wamen
@Megasaw - Head of K9 Unit
@Erwin - Chef de Partie
@ASRox - Commander-in-Chief of Nuclear Weapons
@Ellie - rotisserie chicken
@Jack - Treasurer of Nuts, Bolts and Screws
@Hendricks - Chief Rapscallion and Sponsor of UwU Café
The Right Honourable @Sorle - Most Esteemed Honourary Spokesman of the Hallowed ÖfficeGang Halls
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