GTA V issue. [Reward for successful fix.]

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London, England
So I recently got GTA V and there is a small issue which really affects the game making it unplayable for me.

So whenever I drive to a new part of the map the floors and walls just go invisible and take ages to load up, I tried everything I could find on the internet because nothing I found worked, so if anyone manages to get my game fixed I will be rewarding them in some way (most probably a steam game in their wishlist).

Thanks for the help.
So I recently got GTA V and there is a small issue which really affects the game making it unplayable for me.

So whenever I drive to a new part of the map the floors and walls just go invisible and take ages to load up, I tried everything I could find on the internet because nothing I found worked, so if anyone manages to get my game fixed I will be rewarding them in some way (most probably a steam game in their wishlist).

Thanks for the help.
A SSD upgrade helps. So will a faster GPU (although it will need to be a big upgrade). I did this and it helped dramatically, but it still happens. You can lower the render settings a little without decreasing visible quality, but who want's that, am I right? To be honest, I'm sure it is just a fault that comes with the game. It happens a lot on consoles also. The higher the render frame size, the worse it will get. You could get a better HDD/SSD and GPU, but even some really good ones will still have this issue.

I was reading up on it.
Every bit of the map has two renders. A high quality one and a distant one. The distant one is so you can see the map from hills or from far distances. They look high quality from where you are standing but they are actually terrible quality. A traffic light could be a whole pixel. The faster you drive the more it needs to load up. It will load a texture from the HDD and will put it in the GDDR ram. So the tasks are for the storage device + graphic card to work together to make it better.

(Yes I have also had this issue)
I think I might have a solution that worked for my friend. If you are by any chance using Nvidia driverrs, then try this:

1. Open NVIDIA Control Panel

2. Click on MANAGE 3D SETTINGS on the far left menu.

3. A list should appear, scroll down until you see POWER MANAGEMENT MODE. Change that to PREFER MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE.

4. Press APPLY and close it down.

5. Do a quick PC Restart.

If this did not work for you, then do this:

1. Open GTA 5


3. Press Processes and find the GTA 5.exe

4. Right click it and mouse over SET PRIORITY.

5. Change it to HIGH or REALTIME.

Then try and play, if it didn't work then restart the game after you followed the TASK MANAGER steps.
I claim the reward then.. you change direct x between the earlier to latest untill it fixes itself!

Old computer? If so change resolution heavily.

Friend got hes fixed by using directx 9 and google to fix grafic glitch, common problem!
1. Go onto your Task Manager (Right click on your task bar or search Task manager)
2. Click on Details
3. Search until you find the two apps named: gtavlauncher.exe and gtav.exe
Right click on gtavlauncher.exe and hover the mouse over Set priority
Click on Low.
6. Repeat but now select gtav.exe and Set priority to high.

When I had my old rig I had the same problems as you but when I found out about setting the priority of GTA V to high. I didn't have a problem again! Just note that the issue might happen when flying jets for a while but it might not. Still Hope this helps ;)
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