[Guide] Intervieuw

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Interview guide for supervisors

Hello all,

This is a guide for all Command Officers. This guide will be useful when you have to do Interviews. For example, the interview phase in RTU and Academy. This is the "correct" way to do it.

1. greeting

You: Hello nice to meet you my name is SGT Adrish. I'll be doing you’re stage 2 today.

2. Social Talk
A social talk is very important. It's a very easy way to break the ice. And make the interview a little bit les scary for the applicant. This will just take 1 or 2 minutes. But can be very useful.

You: Hello Alliat great that you did apply. How are doing at this moment? … Are you nervous?

3. Explaining the goal of your interview.
It's very important you explain why you will hold the interview and when the applicant will hear or he did pass or not.

You: Oke Alliat we will now start with you stage 2. The goal of this interview is to see why you want to join the Academy and if you are suitable for the job. Afterwards I will discuss with my colleagues or you passed or not. you will receive a message or you did pass next Sunday.

4. Method
Tell them how you will going to work this interview.

You: I'll be asking you 5 questions this interview. You can take so long as you want to answer them.

5. Time
Explain them how long the interview will last.

You: You can take as long as you want for answering the questions of the interview. Normally it will last between the 10 and 15 minutes.

Theme stage
6. Interview
In this phase you will ask the applicant all the interview questions.

7. Checking or every thing was clear
It's always very important to check or the applicant has any more questions. If he has any try to answer them as good as possible.

You: This was the interview before we finish do you have any more questions?

8. End

This is the end phase thank the person for his time and if needed do an other social talk.

I hope this will help you out.

Kind regards,
Academy Command
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